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One GOP Congresswoman Drew Inspiration from AOC’s Met Gala Gown to Meet President Trump

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

GOP congresswoman Rep. Lauren Boebert (CO) took inspiration from Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (NY) “Tax the Rich” Met Gala gown when she met former President Trump on Thursday. 


In her meeting at Mar-o-Lago with Trump, Boebert wore a red dress with the phrase “Let’s Go Brandon” emblazoned on the back. 

“It’s not a phrase, it’s a movement!” Boebert wrote on Twitter.

“It’s not just a phrase, it’s a movement, right? And people are sick and tired of this administration and all the destructive things they’ve done, especially to our economy, and the way that they express that right now is with ‘Let’s go, Brandon,’” Boebert’s communication director Ben Stout said in a statement to The Hill.

"The meeting with President Trump went phenomenal. The dress made President Trump smile. He loved it. Congresswoman Boebert has been a leader of the Make America Great Again movement and a leader for pushing President Trump's agenda forward in Congress. And so the meeting went phenomenally well," Stout continued. "They discussed how destructive the Biden administration has been and the importance of putting President Trump’s policies in place so that we can get America back on track.”


As Matt covered, the chant “Let’s Go Brandon” originated at a NASCAR event last month when racer Brandon Brown competed at the Talladega Superspeedway. In the background of NBC’s coverage, attendees could be heard chanting “f**k Joe Biden.” Reporter Kelli Stavast desperately tried to cover up the crowd’s chant by saying they were cheering “let’s go Brandon,” in reference to Brown.

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