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Patricia Heaton, Conservative Women Respond to the Women's March Shaming White Women for Voting Republican

The Women’s March prompted a lot of criticism Wednesday when they tweeted that white women need “accountability and an honest reckoning” after majorities of them voted for Republican candidates in the midterm elections.


“There’s a lot of work to do, white women,” they tweeted. “A lot of learning. A lot of growing.”

Many conservative and pro-life women took offense at the organization’s condescending tone and highlighted some of the reasons they chose to vote Republican.

Actress Patricia Heaton highlighted the abortion issue as a reason many women chose to vote for the pro-life, Republican candidates the group had cited in their tweet.

Obianuju Ekeocha, a Nigerian biomedical scientist and the founder of Culture of Life Africa, a U.K.-based pro-life group, called the group out saying they shame “white women for their politics and dare to tell them how to vote."


Women for Trump chair Amy Kremer wondered if the group celebrated any of the historic firsts for Republican women such as Marsha Blackburn becoming the first woman to represent Tennessee in the Senate.

Dana Loesch pointed out that Women’s March co-chair Linda Sarsour once threatened Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a victim of female genital mutilation.

 Writer Chloe Valdary pointed out the group’s ties to anti-Semitic Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.

The group’s ties to anti-Semitism have become too extreme for both Planned Parenthood and now liberal actress Alyssa Milano.

Milano will not speak at the next Women’s March due to the leaders’ refusal to condemn Farrakhan. She said of the March’s leadership that “any time that there is any bigotry or anti-Semitism in that respect, it needs to be called out and addressed. I’m disappointed in the leadership of the Women’s March that they haven’t done it adequately.”


The group has a history of using a threatening tone with women who they think will vote for Republicans. 

In October, the organization's co-chair Tamika Mallory told supporters at a rally that “white women were laughing” when President Trump appeared to mock Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, the women accusing Justice Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct. 

She also said white women at the rally needed to go home and urge their families to vote differently, saying, “do not allow people to be comfortable around you supporting racists and bigots.”

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