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Republicans Strongly Condemn Attempted Package Bomb Attacks on Democrats

Law enforcement officials continue to report findings of suspicious packages at the homes and offices of high profile Democrats. The domino effect started this morning when the Secret Service announced two separate packages were intercepted after being addressed to the Clintons and former President Barack Obama. Shortly afterward, CNN evacuated their offices in New York City and a pipe bomb, delivered in a padded mail envelope with stamps, was driven off by the NYPD for detonation. A number of other Democrats, including former Attorney General Eric Holder, Senator Kamala Harris and Rep. Maxine Waters have reported suspicious packages throughout the day.


As soon as the news broke, Republicans swiftly condemned the attacks and called them acts of domestic terrorism. 

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders: 

Vice President Mike Pence: 

President Donald Trump: 


RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel:

House Republican Whip Steve Scalise: 

House Speaker Paul Ryan: 

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell: 


Senator Rand Paul:


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