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Five Marxist Books I Found at NOW's National Conference in Chicago

Typically people think about the National Organization for Women as a women's rights group. It isn't. NOW is a front group for the promotion of socialist and Marxist policies in America and I have proof.


RELATED: Don't forget to order Katie Pavlich's new book, Assault & Flattery: The Truth About the Left and Their War on Women from Amazon today.

Last year I attended the annual NOW National Conference in Chicago (didn't go to this year's conference, I probably would have been kicked out anyway). Here's a sampling of the material I found while I was there and a short excerpt from my new book Assault and Flattery: The Truth About the Left and Their War on Women.

Marxist teaching is not a tiny fringe part of the modern, militant feminists' agenda. It is its centerpiece.
From the time of Karl Marx through the 1960s and up until today, the progressive women's rights movement has hardly been about women's rights at all but instead about a transformation of American society and the transfer of wealth through government force. Women's rights have simply acted as a veil to distract away from the true intentions of progressive activists.
Socialist literature sold at the annual NOW conference declares the family system as the origin of female oppression and lays out half a dozen fundamental "errors" of the family.
"Closely intertwined with the origins and character of women's oppression is the question of the family. The resolution reaffirms that the family system is an indispensable pillar of class rule. It is the historical mechanism for institutionalizing the social inequality that accompanies the rise of private property and perpetuating class divisions from one generation to the next," the Education for Socialists says. "Because the family system is indispensable to the structuring of social inequality, the economic dependence of women and their oppression within the family system is likewise indispensable to class rule."
Further, this material states Marxists are "the only ones who have answers to the very fundamental questions posed by the feminist movement," and that the answers must be perpetuated through women's liberation literature.

1. The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx

2. Education for Socialists: Women's Liberation and the Line March of the Working Class and the Communist Continuity and the Fight for Women's Liberation


3. On the 100th Anniversary of the First General Strike in the U.S.: Marx and the First International

4. Marx & Freedom by Raya Dunayevskaya

5. Rosa Luxemburg, Women's Liberation, and Marx Philosophy of Revolution by Raya Dunayevskaya

These were just the five books I decided to purchase (strangely enough they weren't free, people actually wanted money for them, which I found ironic), there were many more with the same Marxist theme available. To learn about my full experience at NOW and to see what else I found, you'll have to head over to Amazon to purchase the full story.

RELATED: Don't forget to order Katie Pavlich's new book, Assault & Flattery: The Truth About the Left and Their War on Women from Amazon today.

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