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Radical Tom Perez Confirmed for Labor Secretary

President Obama's nominee for Labor Secretary, radical and former Department of Justice Assistant Attorney General Tom Perez, has been confirmed by the Senate after months of serious questions surrounding his record.

The confirmation comes after a recent Inspector General report showed gross mismanagement, abuse and intimidation by Perez toward attorneys inside the Department of Justice. In particular, the complaints are in relation to the New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case. More from Christian Adams:

– “Numerous witnesses told us that there was widespread opposition to the Noxubee case among the Voting Section career staff.” Noxubee was a case in which white voters were victimized.

– DOJ employees opposed the bringing of a case against a black defendant to help white victims in Noxubee County, Mississippi.

The report: “Coates and other career attorneys told the OIG that they were aware of comments by some Voting Section attorneys indicating that the Noxubee case should have never been brought because White citizens were not historical victims of discrimination or could fend for themselves. Indeed, two career Voting Section attorneys told us that, even if the Department had infinite resources, they still would not have supported the filing of the Noxubee case because it was contrary to the purpose of the Voting Rights Act, which was to ensure that minorities who had historically been the victims of discrimination could exercise the right to vote.”

– “Many of those individuals told the OIG that they believed that the reason the voting rights laws were enacted was to protect historic victims of discrimination and therefore the Section should prioritize its resources accordingly. Additionally, some of these individuals, including one current manager, admitted to us that, while they believed that the text of the Voting Rights Act is race-neutral and applied to all races, they did not believe the Voting Section should pursue cases on behalf of White victims.”

– Threats were made to African American employees by other Justice Department staff.

The threats were made because the black employees were willing to work on cases like the New Black Panther voter intimidation case and a case in Mississippi involving a black wrongdoer and a white victim. I testified about this disgusting hostility toward race-neutral enforcement of the law, and today’s report confirms it took place.

– Attorney General Eric Holder was approached by Acting Assistant Attorney General Loretta King: King complained about cases that Voting Section Chief Chris Coates was bringing. King didn’t like that Coates was willing to use civil rights laws to protect white voters.  Coates had brought and managed the New Black Panther voter intimidation case.

Holder greenlighted King: do what was necessary to take care of Coates.

– Attorney General Holder told us that he understood from what others told him that Coates was a divisive and controversial person in the Voting Section and that one concern about Coates was that he “wanted to expand the use of the power of the Civil Rights Division in such a way that it would take us into areas that, though justified, would come at a cost of that which the Department traditionally had done, at the cost of people [that the] Civil Rights Division had traditionally protected. 
Back in May, it looked as though Perez perjured himself during sworn testimony to Congress about a completely different issue.

Add possible perjury to the list of reasons President Obama's radical civil-rights chief Thomas Perez should never be promoted to a Cabinet-level position.

Sen. Chuck Grassley and other key Republicans say the assistant attorney general misled the Senate last month during a confirmation hearing for secretary of labor. The charges are substantive and warrant delaying a vote on the nominee.

Perez is already in hot water over a secret quid-pro-quo deal he struck in 2011 with the city of St. Paul, Minn., in which he was caught manipulating the law and abusing his power.

Since his April testimony, documents have surfaced that contradict his explanation for the deal, which convinced St. Paul's mayor to suddenly withdraw an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court to strike down the administration's use of "disparate impact" theory to enforce housing and lending discrimination laws.
And about that whole labor secretary thing, Perez has been an advocate for illegal immigrant benefits for years. From Michelle Malkin:

During the Clinton years, Perez worked at the Justice Department to establish a “Worker Exploitation Task Force” to enhance working conditions for … illegal alien workers. While holding down his government position, Perez volunteered for Casa de Maryland. This notorious illegal alien advocacy group is funded through a combination of taxpayer-subsidized grants (totaling $5 million in 2010 alone from Maryland and local governments) and radical liberal philanthropy, including billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Institute.

That’s in addition to more than $1 million showered on the group by freshly departed Venezuelan thug Hugo Chavez’s regime-owned oil company, CITGO.

As I’ve reported previously, Perez rose from Casa de Maryland volunteer to president of the group’s board of directors. Under the guise of enhancing the “multicultural” experience, he crusaded for an ever-expanding set of illegal alien benefits, from in-state tuition discounts for illegal alien students to driver’s licenses and tax-subsidized day labor centers. Casa de Maryland opposes enforcement of deportation orders, has protested post-9/11 coordination of local, state and national criminal databases, and produced a “know your rights” propaganda pamphlet for illegal aliens that depicted federal immigration agents as armed bullies making babies cry.
Texas Senator Ted Cruz voted against the nomination, saying Perez lacks respect for the rule of law.

I am disappointed in the Senate’s vote to confirm Thomas Perez as Secretary of Labor. Mr. Perez’s record indicates a lack of respect for the rule of law in his efforts to reach a misguided definition of ‘justice.’ From his uncooperative and questionably ethical handling of cases involving housing discrimination law in St. Paul, MN, to recent whistleblower reports accusing him of substantial misconduct at his previous role at the Department of Justice, Mr. Perez has not proved himself capable of carrying out the duties of this position.

I cannot support a nominee who allows the government to favor equality of outcome versus equality of opportunity, and so I voted against his confirmation.

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