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Hillary Clinton Says She Experienced Same 'Fog of War' as SEALs did During Bin Laden Raid

Hillary Clinton was on ABC’s "This Week" Sunday and was questioned about the 2012 Benghazi attack.

There was speculation that she tried to mask the motive of the terrorists by claiming that the attacks were in retaliation for an anti-Islamic film made prior to the event.


Hillary has since recounted her comments about the film and has testified that the attacks were premeditated.

She was asked if she told the victims' families that the attack was in response to the film.  In her response, she cited that she suffered from a military phenomenon know as the 'fog of war' where an individual is experiencing a mental overload.  When the volume of the data received is greater than the speed at which this information can be processed, it creates a fog or twilight.

“No… this was a fast moving series of events in the ‘fog of war’,” she said.

The ‘fog of war’ is something that Navy SEALs describe when clearing rooms and engaging targets in hostile areas.

Robert O’Neill, the SEAL who shot and killed Osama Bin Laden, talks about the ‘fog of war’ and how it can affect memory while on a mission. He explains that while inside the compound where Bin Laden was killed, the Navy SEALs experienced a great amount of this military phenomenon.

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