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Gun Owners: "Will Not Comply" with Unreasonable Registration

"We will not comply" is the rallying cry of gun owners from Connecticut to New York in the face of gun registration laws. The misdirected tide of anti-gun sentiment, primarily spurred by the horrible tragedy at Sandy Hook, shows a complete disregard for safe, responsible and legal gun owners.


Whether it was the NY2A Grassroots Coalition in Saratoga Springs burning registration forms, or the New Jersey gun owner (seen below) standing in solidarity with his Connecticut "brothers and sisters in the north", legal gun owners across the East Coast are challenging the practicality of magazine bans and "assault-style" weapon registration.

Not only impractical, but dangerous, as a Connecticut woman explains in a letter to the editor:

Governor Malloy made Jan. 4 the deadline but many registration forms arrived past the deadline. Newspapers reported only 50,000 residents had registered guns and an estimated 300,000 that didn’t.

The ones whose forms arrived late were sent letters demanding that they either destroy their guns, sell them to licensed dealers or turn them in to police. If Governor Malloy was reasonable, he would accept them and simply charge a late fee. To demand that the residents give them up seems to support the old saying, "Gun registration leads to gun confiscation."


With increasing geopolitical tension between Russia and the U.S., the ever present danger of gun confiscation is more serious than ever. Ben Carson recently explained his objection to registration – because "martial law" could come to the United States at any moment.

Wherever decent gun owners look they are bullied and prosecuted. Fortunately, it seems like they have had enough, and are standing up peacefully to say they will "not comply" with unconstitutional laws that endanger their liberty and their security.

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