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Juannita Broaddrick: Hey, I'm Willing to Testify

Juanita Broaddrick, whose Twitter profile reads, in part, "rape survivor of Bill Clinton," has been watching the allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh unfold and is surprised by the accuser's refusal to tell her story. Christine Blasey Ford, the woman accusing Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her in high school, has yet to accept the invitation to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday. The committee has even offered her concessions and are willing to speak to her in her home state of California, but still she has not accepted.


Well, Broaddrick said Wednesday that if Ford is not willing to testify about her allegation, she sure is.

Broaddrick also noted how Ford wants an FBI investigation into the Kavanaugh incident. If Democrats are willing to honor Ford's request that the FBI open a 36-year-old case, why not take another look at her sexual assault allegation against President Clinton? Broaddrick has accused Clinton of raping her in a motel room in Little Rock, Arkansas in 1978 when he was attorney general.

Broaddrick is disgusted by lawmakers' "double standard." Why didn't they give her the time of day when she was trying to tell her story? 

“Oh, it makes me go back to 1999, when Dianne Feinstein, along with every other Democrat, refused to read my deposition to the independent counsel,” said Ms. Broaddrick told Fox’s Laura Ingraham on Monday. “They would have nothing to do with it. That shows you the difference in the double standard that existed back then and still does today."


Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley said that Monday's hearing will proceed as planned. If Ford doesn't show, they will vote on Kavanaugh.

She, however, is not budging until she gets an investigation.

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