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Slate Puts Words in Kellyanne's Mouth, Jake Tapper Calls Them Out

Instead of giving Kellyanne Conway the credit she deserves for being the first woman to run a winning presidential campaign, feminists are spreading rumors about her. Slate Magazine, which once in awhile makes sense, is back to attacking conservatives by spinning Conway's comments about women in the workplace. 


At Politico's Women Rule event on Wednesday, Conway explained why she is hesitant to serve in the Trump White House. Here was her offending comment.

“I do politely mention to them the question isn’t would you take the job, the male sitting across from me who’s going to take a big job in the White House. The question is would you want your wife to,” Conway said, describing conversations she’s had with male colleagues. “Would you want the mother of your children to? You really see their entire visage change. It’s like, oh, no, they wouldn’t want their wife to take that job.”

Slate's translation made Conway look like a character straight out of Mad Men.

The problem with Conway’s comments is not that she values her family or spending time with her young children. It’s that she seems to believe that it is the onus of the woman in a family to sacrifice her career opportunities so that her husband may have his. Even more troubling, Conway implies that no good mother should take on such a job—an attitude that feels ripped out of Mad Men.

Except, that's not what Conway said. Even CNN's Jake Tapper called Slate out on Twitter for their spin.


Slate, and other liberal media outlets, look for any opportunity to try and prove conservatives want to take America back to the 1950s. As Conway and other conservatives would tell you, it is the woman's choice. Should she choose to stay home instead of take an office job, we should encourage her decision, not bully her.

Although Conway is not completely sold on having a formal role in Trump's administration, she has expressed interest in serving as an advisor.  

For a true profile in courage of Conway, check out Julie Kelly's piece at The Federalist, aptly named, Kellyanne Conway Would Be A Feminist Hero If She Were A Democrat.


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