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ME Gov. LePage May Run for Senate in 2018

Maine Governor Paul LePage (R) said Tuesday on a radio show that he is considering a Senate run in 2018 to challenge one-term independent Sen. Angus King.

From the Bangor Daily News:


LePage made the comment during an appearance on the Boston-based “Howie Carr Show,” which was broadcasting from Maine on Tuesday afternoon.

LePage said specifically he was thinking about challenging U.S. Sen. Angus King, an independent and former two-term governor, because King caucuses with Democrats in Washington.

“I’m thinking about it very strongly,” LePage said during the hour-long segment.

LePage was elected to a second term in 2014, in what was somewhat of an upset victory over former Rep. Mike Michaud (D). King was elected to the Senate in 2012, taking over the seat vacated by Sen. Olympia Snowe (R), who decided against running for reelection that year. King served as governor of Maine from 1995-2003.

LePage is term limited and cannot seek another term as governor.

While it's certainly early, it looks as though the election for Maine's Senate representation may get interesting in the coming months.

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