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There's No Way to Read This Other Than Biden Is Losing the Election Right Now

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

From swing state surveys to who’s better at handling the critical issues in the 2024 election, it’s Donald Trump’s election to lose. After three years of economic misery, chaos abroad, and a rapidly deteriorating president, Americans are looking for change. Biden never had the chops to be president, only squeaking by, thanks to unilateral changes made by Democratic secretaries of states—moves that the courts retroactively ruled to be illegal, but it was too late. 


CNN elections analyst Harry Enten analyzed the top issues heading into Thursday’s debate, where Trump has the high ground. On the economy and inflation, voters trust Trump over Biden by double-digits: 13 and 18 points more, respectively. The only area where Biden has the edge is on the state of democracy, though it’s only by seven points.  Will it matter? We don’t know since this question has never been asked before—2024 is the first time: 

Since 1976, the candidate who was trusted more by voters to handle the economy has won eight times. In that same period, there have also been four instances where such a candidate lost. Trump was more trusted in 2020 but lost due to COVID shenanigans with voting, suspect mail-in ballots, and other election issues that were never fully investigated because the media provided cover. 

Still, this isn’t solid political footing for an incumbent president, especially one who thinks his list of accomplishments will be looked upon with envy when history is written. The segment shows that Biden failed in the economy, and Americans are not convinced that this administration has the remedies to right the ship. Biden might have an edge on a question that seems to resonate only with liberals and political class-swampy types, but 86 percent of Americans also think he’s too old to run. An insane share of 2020 Biden supporters think he’s too old to be effective now. The democracy question seems more like an academic exercise for the liberal echo chamber than anything that will have a significant impact on the campaign trail. 


Also, with Biden and the Democrats' inability to confront the rising antisemitism from their base in recent months, what if Jewish voters decide to withhold support this year? Teamsters president Sean O’Brien is speaking at the Republican Convention this summer. The cracks in the Obama coalition are glaring. I doubt some lecture about how Joe is great for our republic will alter the race.


UPDATE: Well, well....well:


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