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The “Privilege” of Abortion Mogul Cecile Richards

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It must be nice to be untouchable by mainstream media. You can lie through those shiny white teeth and mainstream media will treat every rehearsed and distorted word like truth.


In an age when liberal news media shows its disdain for corporate America (unless those corporations are touting their hypocritical, pro-LGBT, public potty policies), leftie journalists can’t show enough love for abortion mogul Cecile Richards.

She has “privilege”. Liberals call it “white privilege”. It’s their racist way of blaming white people for nearly every social injustice under the sun. I’m black (biracial), and I find the whole white guilt/white privilege rhetoric racist and unproductive. But the hypocrisy of liberalism never ceases to amaze me. They denounce “privilege” at every turn, except when that turn leads to the nation’s leading abortion mogul. Just watch our latest video showing pro-abortion liberals’ multiple personality disorder at Richards’ recent lecture at the University of Chicago.

I mean, what corporation loses 670,540 clients in less than 10 years, slashes its major services (except one) up to 59%, increases its president’s salary by a whopping 265% (from $360,902 in 2006 to $957,952) and gets praised by the news media? Planned Parenthood.

Since Cecile Richards took over the helm of Planned Parenthood in 2006, she has transformed the abortion chain into a massive PR machine for Democrats. “Planned Parenthood, we’re non-partisan,” absurdly claimed Cecile Richards in a recent interview with MSNBC’s Morning Joe co-host, Mika Brzezinski. For the first time in years, decided to actually fact-check one of the most public, polarizing and dishonest figures in America. ( hasn’t fact-checked Richards since 2015, and has only ever fact-checked her 3 times). That whole “we’re non-partisan” line was shredded by the left-leaning organization as it revealed what all of us have known for a long time: Planned Parenthood is an extension of the Democratic Party. Ninety-eight percent to be exact. Just on the Congressional level, Planned Parenthood spent $681,679 on Democrats and a measly $12,500 on Republicans (1.8% to be exact).


Of course, an MSNBC host wouldn’t challenge such a blatant lie; the network has become the PR arm of Planned Parenthood. (‘Morning Joe’ has banned conservative Kellyanne Conway but wouldn’t dare ban Cecile Richards, despite her proven and blatant lying.) This highlights, too, the “privilege” of Cecile Richards on network news shows—she is never challenged by a guest with an opposing view. It’s easier to spew all those lies unchecked by someone who knows the truth.

Yes, she makes nearly a million dollars a year from scamming the American public, but what she represents (faux feminism) is more important to pro-abortion liberals than the facts…than women’s lives…than healthcare. In order to bolster Planned Parenthood’s (plummeting) healthcare “credentials”, Richards will repeatedly talk about how the abortion chain provides cancer screenings. Brzezinski, nor her producers, didn’t bother to ask any clarifying questions like: “Why have cancer screenings plummeted at Planned Parenthood?” Since Richards has taken over, the abortion business has conducted 519,158 fewer breast cancer screenings. In the last five years alone, these screenings have been in a free fall from 747,607 in 2010 to 363,803 in 2014—a drop of 51.3%!

Mainstream media and Cecile Richards don’t trust women—the public—with the truth.

And just a reminder for liberal evangelicals who theologically contort themselves to support Planned Parenthood, remember that love does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth (1 Corinthians 13:6).


From Richards’ total fabrication that “1 in 5 women use Planned Parenthood” to “Planned Parenthood is opposed to racism and prejudice of any kind”…honesty is not her policy. Planned Parenthood, birthed in eugenic racism and elitism, celebrates its eugenicist founder—Margaret Sanger—every year awarding journalists, celebrities and other activists with the Margaret Sanger Award.

Planned Parenthood ludicrously tweeted this quote from Cecile Richards: “Everyone must own the responsibility we have as a nation to stand against the violence being done to Black people in America. There are no words adequate to express the outrage and grief—stop killing black people.” Uhhh, this is a joke, right? So #BlackLivesMatter all of the sudden? The billion-dollar federation of abortion facilities (mostly located in predominantly minority neighborhoods) is, literally, the leading killer of unarmed black lives (an estimated 266 per day)! I would say that’s a sure sign of racism. Oh, and ripping apart any defenseless human being because of age and stage qualifies as the most violent form of prejudice.

Richards gets away with it all because she has “privilege”. You know, that conjured up evil that liberals normally wield to silence or demonize those they claim have it. I’m more interested in rights than privilege. And our most basic right—the Right to Life—is an unalienable right that should never be aborted. The late Dr. Mildred Jefferson, the first black woman to graduate from Harvard Medical School and become the first female surgeon at Boston Medical, was also the co-founder of the National Right to Life. And I love her words which guide the work of The Radiance Foundation and our desire to affirm that every human life has purpose: “I am not willing to stand aside and allow the concept of expendable human lives to turn this great land of ours into just another exclusive reservation where only the perfect, the privileged, and the planned have the right to live.”


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