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How the Left Is Setting Themselves Up to Win Either Way Regarding Biden's Document Scandal

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Townhall Media

Editor's Note: Watch the latest edition of "And Another Thing... with Larry O'Connor" and get access to even more exclusive reporting, columns, podcasts, and videos from your favorite writers by joining Townhall VIP!

This is the perfect topic for "And Another Thing" because the whole idea is I have a lot on my mind, and I'll either say it on the radio, my TV show, or in my columns, and then something else occurs to me. Last week, I wrote a column about the Biden classified documents scandal. The whole thesis was, "Okay, maybe this is how they get rid of Joe Biden." We expected Republicans to do well in the 2022 midterms, and if Republicans had crushed Democrats, party elders would have said it's time to show Joe the exit door, and he wouldn't have much of an argument. Of course, now, he's claiming victory, this huge triumph in the midterms, and Dr. Jill and all of the true believers really want to rally around Joe, keep him as the president and have him run in 2024 because they're maniacal, power-hungry monsters. And the worst thing for Democrats is to have Joe Biden running again in 2024, so they have to figure out a way to get rid of him.


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