Retired Lt. Colonel Joseph Repya served 28 years in the US Army (10 years Active and 18 years in the National Guard & Reserves) from 1969 until 1998. He served as a combat infantry officer in Viet Nam in 1970/71 and a combat helicopter pilot in Desert Storm 1990/91. After the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001, he was one of 12,000 retired US Army to volunteer for retiree recall and one of only 350 who were recalled to active duty for Operation Iraqi Freedom. He returned to active duty at 58 years old on October 1, 2004 for two additional years of service assigned with the 101st Airborne Division. In 2005 he served with the Multi National Corps Headquarters at Camp Victory, in Baghdad, Iraq. He returned to retired status with 30 years service the end of September 2006. Repya is a veteran of Vietnam, Desert Storm, and Operation Iraqi Freedom.
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