Hugh Hewitt interviews Richard Grennell concerning proposed actions that the U.S should take against North Korea. Then, Charles Krauthammer offers his solution to the potential nuclear crisis. Hewitt interviews an optimistic Senator Pat Toomey on what the Senate needs to do to get to “yes” on the Senate healthcare bill. Michael Medved interviews influential black journalist, Jason Riley, on how Black Lives Matter can make a difference at the ground level. Dennis Prager discusses Douglas Murray’s book, Strange Death of Europe. Medved presents new alarming government data which reveals how couples being married before children is no longer the norm. Hewitt, in celebration of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, invites Larry P. Arnn to fill in for the late Harry V. Jaffa, who had been a regular 4th of July guest on the show for 15 years. Prager brings to attention the far leanings of the Left and how destructive it can be on societies like Canada, whose government has now recognized the first non-gender child ID card.
Townhall Review: North Korea Goes Nuclear
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