Even as more details surface about the vitriolic threats made on social media by the man responsible for this week's bomb scare, one anti-Trump Twitter user's questionable tweet has amassed an astonishing 16,563 retweets as well 44,261 likes and counting, hinting that this current generation is "lazy" for not killing presidents and subsequently implying President Trump should be killed in follow up tweets.
On Tuesday, October 23, at 2:02 PM, Twitter user @Kbnwxxx_, whose real name will not be reported by Townhall, tweeted the following, "So nobody kills presidents like they use to anymore ? this generation so lazy"

It appears @Kbnwxxx_ has never been a fan of President Donald Trump. In the past she has also tweeted messages such as "f*ckkkkkkkk Donald Trump" and "I've never hated a person. But Donald Trump can rot in hell man."

And while her tweet on Tuesday does not necessarily indicate that she actually believes President Trump should be killed, many of the replies and her likes seemed supportive of this idea or thought it was a joking matter. "I’m here for this," said one person. Another replied, "The change begins with you" and hundreds more replied either laughing or applauding her message.
When one Twitter user pointed out that just last week a man was arrested for sending ricin to President Trump as well as other officials, @kbnwxxx_ said, "He sent letters to that man, I ain’t doing all that." But she then retweeted and favorited a tweet, saying, "That is the face of a guy who does not regret his actions, nor should he" in response to the suspect's mugshot.

There's plenty more garbage on her Twitter feed and more idiotic, hateful responses that will not be posted. These tweets stay despite Twitter's previous opaque policy of banning individuals for what they deem as hateful, violent, and threating messages. To be clear, this article is not comparing sending a tweet to the actions of the deranged man who sent the pipe bombs this week. But, given the nature @kbnwxxx_'s tweet, as well as the support from thousands of Twitter users, it should serve as a reminder there are whack-out, crazy people out there on both fringes of the political spectrum.
@kbnwxxx_ had not responded to Townhall at press time.
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