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Ronna McDaniel Sends Update to RNC Members As Rumors Swirl

AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell

Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel sent an "update" to the RNC's 168 members on Wednesday amid what she called a "news cycle full of palace intrigue and speculation surrounding all of us" declaring that "nothing has changed."


McDaniel told committee members that she is "still hard at work as RNC Chairwoman and building a machine that will elect Republicans up and down the ballot in November" and is "currently on the road fundraising" for the RNC. She also reminded them of the efforts undertaken by the Committee such as "staffing up" in 15 states, "making phone calls and knocking doors" for Mazi Pilip in the special election to replace George Santos, and continuing work on the "77 election lawsuits across 23 states" in which the RNC is currently engaged. 

"Day in and day out, we continue to hold Joe Biden and Democrats' feet to the fire for their continued assaults on our freedoms and failures, on everything from the border crisis, Bidenomics, and skyrocketing crime," McDaniel stressed. 

Of the rumors swirling around her Trump-backed tenure at the helm of the RNC, McDaniel said she and her staff "are refusing to be distracted by the outside noise" and "remain committed to our mission."

"[R]umors to the contrary are simply not true," McDaniel stated in her message. "Nothing has changed and there will not be any changes decided on until after South Carolina, when we may have our eventual nominee"


McDaniel thanked the RNC's members for "outpouring messages of support" and reiterated that she is "proud of this Committee and our work together over the past several cycles."

"[W]e're not done yet, there's a lot of work to be done in the next nine months to make Joe Biden a one term President, and we're just getting started," McDaniel pledged in the message.

Matching what McDaniel told members, RNC spokesperson Keith Schipper said of reports that the chairwoman will step down on X that "nothing has changed" and "this will be decided after South Carolina."

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