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Biden Immigration Narrative Debunked Again by Massive Border Bust

AP Photo/Eric Gay

Border agents working in the Rio Grande Valley sector of the U.S.-Mexico border in Texas made the third-largest seizure of methamphetamine this week when they flagged a tractor trailer for secondary screening. What agents found as part of their processes was more than 1,400 bottles that appeared to contain Clorox, but were actually filled with liquid methamphetamine totaling more than 3,000 pounds of contraband. 


According to a release from Customs and Border Protection, the disguised methamphetamine shipment was discovered on December 8 at the Falfurrias checkpoint and has a street value of more than $100 million.  

“RGV Sector agents work diligently every day to interdict vehicles being used in human and drug smuggling events," said RGV Sector Chief Patrol Agent Gloria I. Chavez. "This historical seizure is a prime example of our Agents’ efforts to continuously impact and degrade Transnational Criminal Organizations (TCO) exploiting the Rio Grande Valley."

The seizure is another example of what is happening along the U.S.-Mexico border as a result of President Biden's failure to secure the border and deal with the crisis his immigration policies have caused — and it also debunks his attempts to downplay the seriousness of the situation or the threats his open border have worsened. 

According to Biden, those crossing illegally into the United States are simply oppressed people fleeing political or other persecution in their home countries — largely innocent families in search of better lives. Biden said earlier this fall that the people entering the country illegally at record rates were just people "fleeing communism." 


That, of course, is not the real story. While there may be some asylum seekers — for which there's already a legal process to seek refuge in the United States — the open border is allowing them plus scores of individuals whose names flag on terror watch lists to illegally enter the country. At record rates these individuals are illegally crossing into the U.S., including cartel members, human and drug traffickers, and tens of thousands more "got-aways" whose identities remain unknown. 

The deadly consequences of the border crisis continue to be seen in surging crime and overdose deaths, and busts like the recent massive methamphetamine seizure in the Rio Grande sector prove that Biden's narrative about who and what is coming into the United States is nonsense. 

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