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NYC Prosecutor Resigns After Getting Caught Trying to Meet With 13-Year-Old Boy

AP Photo/Stefan Jeremiah

A New York City prosecutor suddenly resigned after he was caught allegedly trying to meet up with a 13-year-old boy that he met online. 

William C.C. Kemp-Neal quit his job as a prosecutor at the Bronx District Attorney’s office after a group called “Dads Against Predators” filmed Kemp-Neal in the parking lot of a Target attempting to coerce the young male. 


Ironically, he made $84,990 annually as an ADA handling child-endangered cases, as well as harassment. 

On July 8, the group confronted the 30-year-old prosecutor in a Target parking lot o East Sanford Boulevard in Mount Vernon. The video shows the group asking Kemp-Neal if he is “Marcus,” prompting him to flee. The men pursued him, shouting, “Excuse me everybody, this man right here came to meet a 13-year-old boy.” At one point, a bystander, intervened and restrained Kemp-Neal in a chokehold. In a clip, Kemp-Neal is seen struggling to breathe and attempting to break free. Via Times Now. 

While no arrests were made, authorities have thoroughly investigated the matter. They said they had “encountered several individuals making allegations of wrongdoing.” 


“William Kemp-Neal worked here as an ADA from June 28, 2020, until July 17, 2024,” a DA Darcel Clark’s office statement said. “He resigned from the office.”

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