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Liberal Media Tries to Play With Fire on Trump’s Birthday, But It Doesn’t Go Over Well

AP Photo/Rick Scuteri

The liberal media tried to take a play out of the right’s handbook and throw criticism at former President Donald Trump on his 78th birthday.

However, it didn’t go over so well.


How could it be when you have a senile 81-year-old president who can’t remember where he is half the time and then a vital 2024 front-runner who has proven he is as sharp as a whip?

Several news outlets have turned their attention to attacking Trump for his age, claiming he is showing signs of mental and physical weakness as a way to turn the spotlight off of President Joe Biden’s declining health. 

Matthew Foster, a professor at the American University told Agence France-Presse (AFP) that Trump has a “drunken uncle vibe,” claiming that “this might be a sign of age, that you become less able to control all of your impulses.” 

However, Foster failed to mention the countless times Biden has unexplainably lashed out at reporters or raised his voice during speeches— which is a sign of Alzheimer’s disease. 

The outlet also warned that the world was heading toward a “second [world] war,” citing concerns over Trump’s memory. 

“In recent months, Trump also confused the leaders of Turkey and Hungary, warned that the world was headed for a second — not third — world war, and called fictional serial killer Hannibal Lecter a “wonderful man,’” the outlet said. 


In addition, the Director of the neuropsychology program at the UCSF Memory and Aging Center told the news outlet that Trump is demonstrating the same signs as someone who started to lose their cognitive abilities nearly ten years ago. 

This week alone Biden suffered a handful of odd behaviors and gaffes that reiterated American’s concerns about his health and age during the G-7 Summit in Italy. 

According to an ABC News/Ipsos poll, 86 percent of Americans believe Biden mentally and physically is unable to efficiently serve as president. 

Even an overwhelming 73 percent of Democrats think Biden is too old, according to the survey. 

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