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Fmr Obama Ambassador Predicts Illegal Immigrants Will Flee U.S. If Trump Gets Elected

AP Photo/Christian Chavez, File

Illegal immigrants are rushing to storm the United States’ southern border before the November election while they still can under President Joe Biden’s lax border policies because they know that if former President Donald Trump gets in office, the freebies stop there. 


Former U.S. ambassador to Canada Bruce Heyman told reporters at a national security conference that if Trump gets elected, all of the illegal immigrants will flee to Canada. 

“These people aren’t just going to sit there and wait to be rounded up,” Heyman said. 

Trump has vowed to crack down on illegal immigration the second he gets into the White House, promising to implement the “largest mass deportation effort” in U.S. history. The GOP's presumptuous nominee plans to deport nearly 20 million illegal aliens using local law enforcement, the National Guard, and the military to achieve this. 

Heyman said that if Trump wins in November, illegal immigrants will immediately pack up and leave, likely heading north to Canada due to its lax border laws. 

As a result, Canada has seen a massive demand for housing. In order for the government to correct this, they have had to bring in more foreign workers which drives down wages for domestic labor, which then makes housing and life in general unaffordable. 

There are three very real dangers posed by the election of Trump 2.0 that politicians need to pay attention to, according to former U.S. ambassador to Canada Bruce Heyman, who presented them to a security conference in Ottawa earlier this week … The first is the potential impact of one of Trump’s signature policies: the mass deportation of up to 11 million undocumented migrants from the United States. Trump made similar promises in his 2016 campaign, which he did not achieve. But observers say this time, he will be more effective, leveraging sympathetic officials at the Department of Homeland Security, the justice system, and the military. Via columnist Tasha Kheiriddin. 


In 2016 after Trump took office, illegal immigrants knew their days of living in the U.S. illegally were numbered. 

“We’re afraid,” one illegal alien told PBS News Hour during that year. “We’ve got to be careful because the smallest mistake, he’s going to kick us out,” referring to Trump’s crackdown on illegal immigration. 

In April, I reported that millions of illegal immigrants are rushing toward the U.S. border ahead of the election, anticipating a Trump win, because they know he won’t let them in. 

Since Biden has taken office, nearly 17 million illegal immigrants have entered the U.S. He has since halted deportations, stopped border wall construction, Ended the Trump-era Remain In Mexico policy and Title 42, and reinstated a catch-and-release program. 

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