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Fast Food Is Now Considered a 'Luxury' Item, Thanks to Bidenflation

Thanks to President Joe Biden’s failed economic policies, fast food is now considered a luxury item to Americans. 

According to a recent non-probability survey conducted by Lending Tree found that nearly 80 percent of American consumers view fast food joints as an extravagant meal. 


In 2019, a Mcdonald’s Big Mac hamburger cost $3.99. Flash forward four years later under Biden’s term, the greasy sandwich will set an American back $8.29. 

A Subway BLT footlong sandwich used to cost only $5.50. Today, it sells for nearly $9. In addition, Menu Prices pointed out that a chicken burrito was just $6.50 in 2019. In 2024, that same item can be as much as $10.70.

The poll also found that 62 percent of Americans are eating out less due to the rising costs under Biden. 

Nowadays, a fast food meal costs the same as going to a nice sit-down restaurant. A typical fast food dinner that serves a whole family used to cost roughly $35. Just a few short years later, that same meal costs between $64 and $70 to feed an average family of four. 

Columnist Dan O'Donnell of the free market think tank at the Maclver Institute said that “basic items like McDonald’s cheeseburgers and Chick-fil-A nuggets have risen as much as 200 percent in less than five years with dire consequences for the lower- and middle-class families who make up much of the fast food customer base.”

He said the country’s inflation issue has turned into a “full-blown crisis,” citing concerns about where prices will be if Biden secures another four years in office. 


“This is not, as the White House has repeatedly insisted, the result of price gouging, but rather the shockingly high cost of wages and food production for restaurants like McDonald’s and Taco Bell.  Since their business model is entirely predicated on providing quick, convenient meals at low prices, they can ill afford to price their menu items out of the reach of their bargain-conscious customer base,” O’Donnell continued. 

Biden has repeatedly lied about the inflation rate, claiming that it was at nine percent when he took office. However, it was only 1.4 percent. The inflation rate didn’t surpass nine percent until 17 months after the president took office.  

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