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Harvard Pro-Hamas Students Meet Their Consequences

AP Photo/Stefan Jeremiah

The entitled Harvard students who participated in the pro-Hamas campus encampments are in for a rude awakening that their mommy and daddy cannot bail them out of. 


Harvard’s Administrative Board has rejected a recommendation from faculty members to allow the 13 students who protested against Israel to graduate with their classmates. 

The seniors will not be allowed to graduate even if they are in good standing or have never faced a prior disciplinary action during their four years at the Ivy League school. 

The Harvard Corporation rejected an effort by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences to confer degrees on 13 seniors facing disciplinary charges for participating in the pro-Palestine encampment, an unprecedented veto that opens a new front in the internal battles that have convulsed Harvard for the past year.

“Today, we have voted to confer 1,539 degrees to Harvard College students in good standing,” the Corporation wrote in a joint statement on Wednesday. “Because the students included as the result of Monday’s amendment are not in good standing, we cannot responsibly vote to award them degrees at this time.” Via the Harvard Crimson. 

115 faculty members attended an annual FAS degree meeting where they argued against withholding degrees from the students. They claimed they had the authority to add the seniors back onto the graduating list because they believed that disciplinary actions were subject to approval by the FAS. However, the board said that the FAS does not have the authority that the faculty members think it has. 


Just three days earlier, the students were notified of disciplinary charges from the board. They will be allowed to participate in the graduating ceremony but not receive their degrees. 

On Thursday, pro-Hamas students marched out of Harvard’s commencement ceremony in protest.

Hundreds of Harvard students set up an encampment that lasted three weeks in April. They demanded that the university divest from Israel and "reinvest resources in Palestinian academic initiatives, communities, and culture."  

Many Jewish students expressed feeling unsafe while the pro-terrorism agitators shouted antisemitic slogans at them. 

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