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Democrat Pollster Warns RFK's Support Will Crumble When They 'Learn His Real Views'

AP Photo/Meg Kinnard

A top Democrat pollster is warning that 2024 Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s support among Republicans will crumble when they begin to see through his cracks. 


Kennedy has seen some support from the Republican Party primarily due to his right-leaning views such as being pro-parental rights and an anti-vaxxer. 

However, Mark Penn iswarningto look beyond the surface of the Independent candidate. 

“I think that it will drop in half if Republicans learn the views, right now they don’t know these things,” Penn told Fox News’s Sean Hannity. 

“And there’s a group of Republicans that don’t like anybody and he’s now the alternative to the alternative,” he added. “So he’s got some votes, but I agree with you, he would lose a lot of Republican votes if this screen that you’re putting up there really got out and got broadcast.”

According to recent polls, RFK Jr. trails a large margin behind President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump. 

In a USA Today/Suffolk University survey, Trump secured 37.1 percent support, Biden 36.7 percent, and Kennedy with just eight percent of support. 

A Redfield & Wilton poll found that Kennedy only holds seven percent of the vote, while Trump holds 43 percent and Biden 41 percent. 

During the interview, Hannity listed some of Kennedy’s most far-left views including his support for eliminating fracking and endorsing Hillary Clinton. 


Supports push to clean energy and zero emissions, supports eliminating fracking, endorsed Bernie’s climate plan, supports divesting from fossil fuels, supports carbon tax, supports Paris Climate Accords, called the NRA a ‘terror group,’ supports affirmative action, supports reparations, supports amnesty for non-violent drug offenders, wants to ‘transform the police,’ called Louis Farrakhan a ‘truly great partner,’ supports raising minimum wage to $15/hour, supports labor unions, supports raising taxes, endorsed Al Gore in 2000, endorsed John Kerry in 2004, claimed 2004 election was stolen, donated to Obama, endorsed Hillary Clinton for Senate in 2000, endorsed Hillary Clinton for president in 2007, repeatedly praised Bernie Sanders, a ‘sin’ for people to not address global warming, blamed America for causing 9/11, supports ESG,” and “called Fidel Castro ‘incredibly charming.’ Via the Daily Wire. 


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