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Voters From Both Parties Agree That Hunter Biden Should Be Investigated

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Americans on both sides of the political aisle believe Hunter Biden needs to be investigated for his business dealings with foreign governments. 

According to a Fox Polls survey, 72 percent of voters that the Justice Department needs to investigate Hunter Biden’s business ventures. 


The majority of both parties, 88 percent of Republicans and 54 percent of Democrats, want the younger Biden to be scrutinized. 

Several members of the GOP have vowed to hold Hunter Biden responsible for his shady dealings when they take over the House next year. 

70 percent of Republicans believe Hunter Biden did something illegal business in China and Ukraine, while 63 percent say President Joe Biden committed a crime related to his son’s activities. 

However, Biden continues to deny that his son was involved in overseas business dealings. 

Meanwhile, 61 percent believe Biden himself has been compromised by China, according to a Rasmussen Reports poll. 

This comes as the National Archives is planning to release hundreds of pages of internal records from the Obama Administration regarding Hunter Biden’s relationship with Ukraine. 

However, the president could interfere. 

If Biden doesn’t halt the release of the emails from 2014, the records would include almost 300 full or partial emails between Hunter Biden and Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company. 


In a letter to the White House, the National Archives informed the Biden Administration that the release is in response to Freedom of Information of Act (FOIA) requests for emails that contain the word “Burisma.” 

The requests were made after Hunter Biden joined Burisma’s board in 2014, which paid a hefty sum of $83,333 despite his lack of energy experience. 

Burisma reportedly paid Hunter Biden $1.5 million during his time on the board. 

Under the Presidential Records Act, Biden has 60 days to use executive privilege in an effort to stop the documents from being released. 

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