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NYC Mayor Eric Adams Calls for Federal Help Over Illegal Migrants Taking Over the City

AP Photo/ Brittainy Newman

“In this great city of immigrants we will remain true to our values and always welcome all who yearn to breathe free,” New York City Mayor Eric Adams tweeted on January 27, 2017. 


On October 7, 2022, he is begging for help from the federal government to intervene and stop the influx of illegal migrants in his city. 

Adams declared the city of New York a “state of emergency” as illegal migrants continue to be bussed from border states to Democrat-run cities to bring awareness that President Joe Biden’s open border policies are wreaking havoc on the nation. 

The Democrat mayor claims the city is in desperate need of help as they are slated to spend at least $1 billion by the end of the fiscal year to combat the looming issue. 

“Our social services and our values are being exploited by others for political gain. New Yorkers are angry, I am angry too. We have not asked for this. There was never any agreement to take on the job of supporting thousands of asylum seekers. This responsibility was simply handed to us without warning as buses began showing up,” Adams said. 

Meanwhile, earlier this week Adams called out his party for their “inaction” and “silence” regarding the crisis at the border that is now impacting New York City. 


"We need help from the federal government, help from the state of New York…New York City is doing our part and now others must step up and join us,” Adams said while asking the government to provide work permits for illegal migrants as well as shelters. 

Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) called out Adam’s hypocrisy after the mayor criticized Abbott’s move of relocating migrants while vowing to welcome them with open arms. 

“In a city with a population of over 8 million, he’s claiming an emergency for just over 3,100 migrants being bused into his self-declared sanctuary city… that’s not even 1% of the population of New York City,” a spokeswoman from Abbott’s office told the Daily Caller. 

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