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Trump 'Wants His Old Job Back'

AP Photo/Chris Seward

For months now, former President Trump has hinted at a potential White House run in 2024, and for months Americans have held their breath waiting for the announcement. 


In an interview with CBS News, Kellyanne Conway, who managed Trump’s 2016 campaign, said that the former president may make his announcement before Thanksgiving. 

Trump will “assess the timing of his announcement,” Conway said, adding, “I think before the end of this year.”

Conway said that Trump is as “active as anybody” else in the midterm elections, already building support from Americans by rallying in several states throughout the country. 

She also gave insight as to why Trump wants to run for a second time. 

“I will tell you why he wants to run for president—Donald Trump wants his old job back,” Conway said. 

Back in July, Trump said that his biggest decision will be whether he announces his official presidential run before or after the November midterms. 

Meanwhile, during Saturday night’s rally in Warren, Michigan, Trump incited applause from the large crowd when he said he might have to run for president once more while speaking about his win over failed 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. 


Trump also praised Ginni Thomas after she reiterated his belief that the 2020 election was stolen. 

“As we talk about and think of the rigged and stolen election of 2020—the presidential election, rigged and stolen—I would like to thank a great woman named Ginni Thomas. Do you know Ginni Thomas? Great woman,” Trump said to the crowd, adding, “She says that she still believes the 2020 election was stolen… she didn't wilt under pressure like so many others that are weak people and stupid people, because once they wilt, they end up being a witness for a long time.”

His comments came at a time when he called out the Republican Party for not having the backbone to stand up to their opposing party.

“Too many Republicans are weak and they’re afraid,” Trump said, adding “and they better get strong fast, or you’re not going to have a Republican Party.”

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