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That DNC Forum Showed an Issue Not Merely for Democrats, but the Legacy Media

Townhall Media

The DNC is set to elect new leadership on Saturday, and it certainly seems like whomever they pick, they'll have a tough road ahead of them. The Democratic Party isn't just failing, but President Donald Trump is enjoying a high popularity rating, and, while there's room for growth, the Republican Party is at least in a much better position than the Democrats. And yet, those running to help lead the DNC seem to be completely delusional. They're also aided in such delusion by the legacy media.

As Matt covered earlier, the DNC candidate forum devolved into predictable chaos, with outbursts and interruptions from agitators, to the candidates and MSNBC as a host reminding us why they've lost.

At one particularly memorable point, Jonathan Capehart asked for a show of hands on "how many of you believe that racism and misogny played a role in Vice President Harris' defeat?" There appeared to be some laughter or other chatter from the audience, though many if not all raised their hands. All of the candidates up on the stage also raised their hands, to applause and more laughter. 

"Okay, so that's good, you all passed," Capehart declared, full of laughter. 

Is Capehart part of the DNC himself? Running to be part of it? No, but he might as well be. He's a host on MSNBC, and he himself is providing credence for those who refer to the network as MSDNC. Further, it's hardly a laughing matter. That the Democratic Party looks to be in the worst position in some time isn't funny, at least not for them. And, if these people really do believe that "racism and misogyny" played a role, why would it be something to laugh about? Seems like it would be an awfully sobering reality, though reality ought to be a term used loosely here.

Harris was a uniquely problematic candidate. She was from a bright blue state on the elitist west coast, and was chosen as President Joe Biden's running mate for 2020 because she fit the criteria of being a black woman. If anything, it's the Democrats who are the racist and sexist ones for defining candidates by those immutable characteristics.

There's also how Harris herself never won a single primary vote. She ran in 2020, and had some particularly memorable debate moments up against Biden, including to do with race, but had to drop out in December 2019, before a single primary contest took place. She was also installed as the replacement nominee without winning any primary votes, which certainly had Democrats in disarray. Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) even blamed Biden for not dropping out sooner and endorsing Harris too quickly in a particularly somber interview with The New York Times just days after the election. That brings us to yet another problem for the Democrats, actually. 

And yet, there's still chatter that Harris could run in 2028. She leads the pack among candidates preferred by primary voters, though she's gone down in support. Jaime Harrison, the outgoing DNC chairman, somehow still thinks she's a worthy candidate who can help them win.

It's not just Democrats in disarray as evidenced by one interview that Pelosi gave with The New York Times or one candidate forum. We see it from the American people, not just last November, when they reacted to what a terrible candidate Harris was, who had also gotten low marks as vice president. A widely discussed poll from Quinnipiac University released on Wednesday also shows that by 57-31 percent, Americans have an unfavorable view of the Democratic Party. 

The posts above have been circulating around social media far and wide. We expect this from the candidates themselves, given how much they've been showing they haven't learned their lesson. These people are professional victims who are also making excuses about why Harris lost, in this case "racism and misogyny." But, not enough has been said about the media's complicity. Before he ran for president in June 2015, Trump was seen as a beloved figure, especially by the rich and the famous. Now, the media is out to get him. Do they even try to hide that? It would appear not, given Capehart's remarks. Another host on his network, Rachel Maddow, is extending the nights she's on air during Trump's first 100 days.

Plenty of replies and quoted reposts have shown shock, as well as reminders that Democrats will keep losing, and, in that case, wishes from Republicans that Democrats keep this nonsense up. 

CNN's Scott Jennings, who is often the only one bringing hard truths and real world analysis to panel discussions he's on, was among those doing so. 

Of course, it's worth proceeding with caution. For all of the talk about a red wave in 2022, it never happened. That may indeed be at least in part due to the fearmongering and Biden himself demonizing his political enemies as supposed threats to democracy, as former Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA) believes. There's also how then White House Press Secretary engaging in that demonization to such lengths that she was found to be in violation of the Hatch Act. But, it's also a reminder that Republicans can't get too cocky. 2026 and 2028 especially are still a long time from now. 


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