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People Sure Have Thoughts on the Timing of This Damning NYT Report on Hunter Biden

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik, File

On Tuesday night, The New York Times revealed that "Hunter Biden Sought State Department Help for Ukrainian Company," bringing more damning revelations to light about the embattled first son. The report revealed that Hunter requested help from the U.S. Embassy in Rome to secure a deal for Burisma, whose board he sat on. The request came in 2016 when President Joe Biden was serving as vice president.


The report points out that the timing conveniently comes not long after Biden dropped his reelection bid. "After President Biden dropped his re-election bid, his administration released records showing that while he was vice president, his son solicited U.S. government assistance," the subheadline even reads.

The report mentions:

Hunter Biden sought assistance from the U.S. government for a potentially lucrative energy project in Italy while his father was vice president, according to newly released records and interviews.

The records, which the Biden administration had withheld for years, indicate that Hunter Biden wrote at least one letter to the U.S. ambassador to Italy in 2016 seeking assistance for the Ukrainian gas company Burisma, where he was a board member.

Embassy officials appear to have been uneasy with the request from the son of the sitting vice president on behalf of a foreign company.

“I want to be careful about promising too much,” wrote a Commerce Department official based in the U.S. Embassy in Rome who was tasked with responding.


The department’s release of documents to The New York Times came shortly after President Biden dropped out of the presidential race, and as his son prepares to stand trial next month on charges of evading taxes on millions of dollars in income from Burisma and other foreign businesses.

The New York Times details the process of getting the records. And we're supposed to believe that the timing of Biden dropping out of the race is coincidental? The report goes on to state:


The embassy outreach was revealed in emails released by the State Department to The Times in response to a request for public records from officials at the U.S. Embassy in Romania related to efforts by Mr. Biden and other Americans to assist the real estate developer. One of the officials named in the request had worked for the State Department in Italy before being assigned to the embassy in Romania.

The request was initially filed under the Freedom of Information Act, or FOIA, in June 2021. After nearly eight months, the State Department had not released any records, and The Times sued. About 18 months later, the department moved to close the case after releasing thousands of pages of records — none of which shed light on Hunter Biden’s outreach to the U.S. government.

The Times challenged the thoroughness of the search, noting that the department had failed to produce responsive records contained in a cache of files connected to a laptop that Mr. Biden had abandoned at a Delaware repair shop. The department resumed the search and periodic productions, but had produced few documents related to Mr. Biden until the week after his father ended his re-election campaign and endorsed Vice President Harris for the Democratic nomination.

A State Department spokeswoman suggested that the timing was coincidental, noting that the department had released batches of documents in each of the last three months, before the tranche revealing Mr. Biden’s outreach to the U.S. Embassy in Rome.

A person familiar with the timing said the release of the Italy documents was planned by the State Department weeks before the president announced his decision and was cleared by the White House the week before Mr. Biden decided to drop out.


While the State Department released records, they tellingly "did not release the actual text of the letter."

In addition to raising concerns about incomplete reports and a State Department described as "notoriously slow when it comes to releasing public records," there are plenty of other concerns. Hunter is not being charged with violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA):

Hunter Biden has not been charged with violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act, or FARA, which requires people to disclose when they lobby the U.S. government on behalf of foreign interests.

In a court filing last week, in what was perceived as a pressure move, prosecutors indicated that they did not intend to add a FARA charge, but noted that they had evidence that Mr. Biden had reached out to the State Department on behalf of a different foreign client, a real estate magnate facing corruption charges in Romania. Mr. Biden did not register under FARA as a lobbyist for the Romanian developer or Burisma.

His outreach to the U.S. Embassy in Rome on behalf of Burisma, which has not been previously reported, echoes other episodes for which he has been criticized for implicitly leveraging his father’s political clout to try to advance his foreign business.

These are all part of a larger issue for the Biden crime family, and the subject of House investigations. Yet the report notes that a "White House spokesman said the president was not aware when he was vice president that his son was reaching out to the U.S. Embassy in Italy on behalf of Burisma."


Regarding those investigations, House Republicans have been particularly keen on looking into possible FARA violations.

Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee and House Oversight Committee have investigated the Biden crime family and posted their thoughts on the report, particularly about its timing.

As the report trends on X, many users have taken to speaking about the timing of the report, and what it could mean for damning information about the Harris-Walz ticket.


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