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U.S. Senators Are Weighing in on Virginia Elections

It is less than a week away from the Republican convention in Virginia, which will select the party's nominees for governor, lieutenant governor, and attorney general. Democrats will pick their nominees during a June 8 primary, and the general election will be on November 2, 2021, to decide if Virginia will remain under one-party rule. FiveThirtyEight noted that "The biggest election of 2021 is probably for governor of Virginia," with original emphasis. Sitting senators are even weighing in now.


A recent, major endorsement came on Sunday from Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), in favor of former Carlyle Group executive, Glenn Youngkin.

The video endorsement highlights Youngkin's credentials as a businessman and a political outsider, who knew "a new kind of leader was needed to get things done and get things back on the right track." In addition to listing other credentials, Sen. Cruz offered that "Glenn is the best chance Republicans have of winning in Virginia this year." 

As I covered last month, Youngkin was able to outraise his opponents and have considerable cash on hand due to donations and his own funds. Former delegate and Executive Director of Virginia FREE Chris Saxman referred to Youngkin, and primary opponent Pete Snyder, as "serious candidates" when it comes to such fundraising. Virginia FREE is a non-partisan, pro-business non-profit organization. 


Youngkin spoke to Townhall about the endorsement from Sen. Cruz. 

"It’s such an honor to have the support of Ted Cruz, a true conservative champion. We’re running the most dynamic grassroots campaign Virginia has ever seen, and it’s going to be a lot of fun to have him join me on the trail in the final days. Republicans in Virginia are unifying behind us as more and more realize that unlike the party insiders and political hacks, I’m a leader they can trust who will win in November. That’s why we’ve won multiple straw polls, raised the most money, and registered the most delegates, and I can’t wait to get to work for the people of Virginia and deliver conservative solutions as governor," Youngkin said in a statement. 

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) has also weighed in when it comes to the race for attorney general. Last month, he endorsed Del. Jason Miyares, a former assistant commonwealth attorney in Virginia Beach. 


From the Miyares campaign press release, with original emphasis:

Senator Rubio said, "Jason Miyares is a proven leader who understands the challenges working moms and dads face. From the soaring cost of college and child care to the safety of our communities, Jason knows what it takes to make life better for Virginians. Security and opportunity are personal to Jason because his life, his values, and his work ethic were forged by his mother's desperate escape from Cuba. I am confident that his leadership will make Virginia a safer and more prosperous state, which is why I am proud to support Jason Miyares for Attorney General."

Delegate Jason Miyares said, "Senator Rubio has been an incredible ally over the years and I am so proud to have him stand with me in my race for Attorney General. Like Senator Rubio, our family stories have reminded us both of how fragile are the freedoms that have made America the greatest nation in the history of the world. As Virginia’s Attorney General, I want to ensure that we continue to enjoy the freedoms to live, work and raise a family under the light of American Liberty. Like Senator Rubio, I will always stand up and fight those who want to move Virginia towards a more progressive and socialist government."


Both Rubio and Miyares are Cuban and have spoken about that heritage. 

Correction: A previous version of this post referred to Chris Saxman as "of Bearing Drift." He is a former delegate and the executive director of Virginia FREE, a non-partisan, pro-business non-profit organization. Bearing Drift has permission to repost his column. 

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