
Here’s How Biden Commemorated the Anniversary of the Abbey Gate Bombing

Three years ago, 13 American service members were killed during President Joe Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. 

On Monday, former President Donald Trump visited Arlington National Cemetery to mark the anniversary of the attack that killed the 13 servicemembers. Trump was joined by members of their families. 

The service members who lost their lives that day are Marine Corps Staff Sgt. Darin T. Hoover, Marine Corps Sgt. Johanny Rosario Pichardo, Marine Corps Sgt. Nicole L. Gee, Marine Corps Cpl. Hunter Lopez, Marine Corps Cpl. Daegan W. Page, Marine Corps Cpl. Humberto A. Sanchez, Marine Corps Lance Cpl. David L. Espinoza, Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Jared M. Schmitz, Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Rylee J. McCollum, Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Dylan R. Merola, Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Kareem M. Nikoui, Navy Petty Officer Third Class Maxton W. Soviak, Army Staff Sgt. Ryan C. Knauss.

Biden, on the other hand, has no public events scheduled throughout this week and is vacationing in Delaware.

This came after Biden “sealed himself away from the public gaze” on vacation at a 8,000-acre ranch in California for days, according to The Washington Post:

Biden did not take questions from the press as he boarded Air Force One to Rehoboth Beach, Del.

Biden, did, however answer questions from reporters on the tarmac in Chicago on Monday night as he readied to board Air Force One for his vacation in Santa Ynez, just after he left the convention, and he has not been heard from since.

The press that traveled with the president to California were told several days in a row that there would be no public appearances. 

In a statement on the White House website, Biden acknowledged the 13 service members who died at Abbey Gate outside the Kabul Airport.

“These 13 Americans—and the many more that were wounded—were patriots in the highest sense,” he wrote. “They embodied the very best of who we are as a nation: brave, committed, selfless. And we owe them and their families a sacred debt we will never be able to fully repay, but will never cease working to fulfill.”

Townhall covered how to this day, Vice President Kamala Harris has not said the names of these 13 fallen service members out loud and has refused to take any accountability for what happened.

Three years ago, Townhall reported how Biden checked his watch during the dignified transfer of many of the fallen service members.