
Court Rules That a Fetus Can Be Referred to As ‘Unborn Human Being’ in This State’s Voter Pamphlet

The Arizona Supreme Court will allow an informational pamphlet for voters to refer to an embryo or fetus as an “unborn human being.”

Voters in the Grand Canyon state will decide on a constitutional right to abortion this fall. 

According to ABC News, the high court sided with Republican lawmakers who created the language sent to all voters in the state about the proposed amendment. 

Predictably, pro-abortion advocates argued that the phrase “unborn human being” is not impartial or objective. These words, they argued, are biased and politically charged, ABC News noted. 

“We are deeply disappointed in this ruling, but will not be deterred from doing everything in our power to communicate to voters the truth of the Arizona Abortion Access Act and why it’s critical to vote YES to restore and protect access to abortion care this fall,” a left-wing group called Arizona for Abortion Access, said in a statement.

While pro-abortion advocates remain “deeply disappointed” that unborn children will be referred to as such, Arizona Republicans celebrated the court’s decision. 

“The Arizona Supreme Court’s ruling is correct,” Arizona House Speaker Ben Toma (R) said (via ABC News):

The brief ruling, signed by Vice Chief Justice John Lopez, did not explain the justices’ rationale, saying a full opinion would be released later. Justice Clint Bolick, whose wife is a Republican lawmaker on the legislative council, recused himself from the case.

Last month, Townhall covered how Arkansas Secretary of State John Thurston rejected the effort put forward by pro-abortion activists to enshrine the right to kill your unborn baby into state law. 

Thurston said that the pro-abortion group behind the measure failed to submit a sworn statement both identifying paid canvassers by name and confirming that these canvassers were properly trained on collecting signatures. Due to this, the initiative was disqualified.

Since pro-abortion activists will stop at nothing to continue their push to kill unborn babies, the group sued the state

“We will fight this ridiculous disqualification attempt with everything we have,” the group said. “We will not back down.”

In response, Attorney General Tim Griffin said, “As I have long said, changing the Arkansas Constitution involves a rigorous process, as it should, and it requires sponsors to adhere to all applicable laws and rules.” 

“Failure to follow such a basic requirement is inexcusable: the abortion advocates have no one to blame but themselves.”