
Here's Another Kamala Clip That She Hopes Voters Never See

The bad news for Kamala Harris is that she's a cringe factory and radical leftist who has said many things on camera that are far out of step with the mainstream American electorate.  The good news for Kamala Harris is that her supporters, including media outlets, are frantically re-writing history and quite literally deleting the internet in order to mitigate and disappear those vulnerabilities.  They're going to have a lot more scrubbing to do.  For example, this is quite an inconvenient clip for her, in light of one of the newly-emerging byproducts of her abject failures as Border Czar (and yes, that's what she is):

Harris may have been correct that the terrorism threat at the border was much less severe back in 2019, under the Trump administration's policies.  Then she took over.  Among the roughly ten million illegal border crossers who've broken our laws on Border Czar Harris' watch (Harris has proposed decriminalizing illegal immigration and welcoming illegal immigrants with taxpayer-funded health insurance) is an increasing number of people on the US terrorism watch list.  The number is in the hundreds, that we know of.  Our government has no clue how many dangerous people are among the approximately two million known got-aways who've disappeared into the country since Biden took office and Harris was made his immigration point person.  What the public does know is that two Middle Eastern illegal immigrants recently tried to lie and force their way onto a sensitive military instillation outside of DC.  One had just recently entered America illegally via the southern border.  We also know that the government has belatedly identified hundreds of illegal immigrants connected to an ISIS-tied human smuggling operation who have infiltrated the country -- many of whom are still at large:

This was a few months earlier:

We have outright terrorism supporters marching in our streets, assaulting law enforcement officers, and burning stolen American flags (often with no consequence in deep blue cities).  It took Kamala Harris nearly a day to say a word about the vile displays in DC during the Israeli Prime Minister's important speech, which she snubbed in favor of a sorority event in Indiana.  After receiving growing criticism over the conspicuous silence, including from JD Vance, her campaign finally released a statement.  Meanwhile, I will give credit to those at CNN who actually looked into this:

I'm sure this will somehow be denied, too.  The gaslighting happening right now before our eyes is intense.  It's breathtaking to watch news outlets contradicting and erasing their own previous reporting to fall in line with the current and literal Democratic talking points:

Truly wild and frightening content: 

I'll leave you with this: