
Senior House Democrat Doubles Down on His Call for Biden to Withdraw

As of Sunday afternoon, Rep. Adam Smith (D-WA) is one of the senior House Democrats calling on President Joe Biden to withdraw from the race, and he's not alone, as Matt covered earlier on Monday. Not only is Smith, who is the ranking member of the House Armed Services Committee, issuing such a call, he's doubled down on it throughout Monday.

During Monday's episode of CNN's "The Lead with Jake Tapper," Smith told Tapper that "I think he should step aside," adding "I think it's become clear that he’s not the best person to carry the Democratic message." That being said, Smith still claims "we have an incredibly strong message and record to run on," offering "in all respect to the president, he's done a great job," as he tried to sell Biden's supposed successes when it comes to handling the economy after COVID. 

"We've got a good message," Smith insisted, trying to knock former and potentially future President Donald Trump before returning the issue to Biden. "The president has shone he is not capable of delivering that message in an effective way."

Tapper, who himself moderated that June 27, acknowledged the 90-minute debate "was a lot" as he asked if Smith's concerns were because of that performance. "No. I mean there was concerns leading up to it, in the terms of the president's ability to deliver a message and it hasn't gotten better since the debate."

It's worth reminding that there have indeed been concerns about Biden for some time now, but the White House and reelection campaign, as well as many of Biden's fellow Democrats and the complicit press have tried to claim otherwise.

Coverage from The Hill indicates Smith is supporting Vice President Kamala Harris as a replacement:

“Personally, I think Kamala Harris would be a much better, stronger candidate and because she is, constitutionally, is second. That’s the way it’s supposed to work,” he said, noting he does not think Biden should resign before his term is up.

The Washington lawmaker emphasized that if Biden is selected as the party’s nominee after the convention, he will be “all in” but that he believes Democrats “can do better.” 

“Like I said, he gets the nomination, I’m all in. Right now, just like in 2020, when everyone said ‘Joe Biden’s the guy, let’s get behind him,’ I think we need a different choice if we’re going to be able to beat Donald Trump. And that’s what matters. It’s not about Joe Biden. It’s not about individuals. It’s about making sure we move this country in the right direction going forward,” Smith said.

If Smith is concerned that Biden isn't an effective candidate for the Democratic Party in November, it's certainly curious that he thinks he can continue to be an effective president for another six months. CNN's Scott Jennings raised that very concern last week, that such Democrats should be calling on Biden to resign. 

While Smith may be promoting Harris as a replacement, polls show her faring even worse than Biden does against Trump. The congressman's comments don't look to be a glowing endorsement of Harris as a candidate, but rather focus on how she's next in line.

Polls continue to show that Harris performs even worse against Trump than Biden does. 

Not long after the segment aired, Smith actually reiterated that call even further from his political X account. 

Such a statement, posted to his campaign website, made the focus about beating Trump. Such a statement did not mention Harris at all, but rather called for the president to "release his delegates" and called on the DNC to nominate a new candidate:

President Biden should end his candidacy for a second term as President and release his delegates to the Democratic National Convention to enable the party to nominate a new candidate for President. This must happen as soon as possible to give the new ticket the maximum amount of time to make its case to the American people.

Any candidate for the highest office in our nation has a strong burden to bear. That candidate must be able to clearly, articulately, and strongly make his or her case to the American people. It is clear that President Biden is no longer able to meet this burden.      

Donald Trump and MAGA extremism pose an existential threat to our nation, and we need to be in the strongest possible position to win in this election.       

If President Biden runs, I will back him one hundred percent and without reservation. Elections are, after all, a choice. The President would still be, by a wide margin, the best candidate in the current field. He has done an outstanding job as President and our country will always owe him an enormous debt of gratitude for the job he has done. But no candidate is owed another term in office based solely on past performance. Every new term must be earned with the clear understanding of what that candidate will be capable of doing in the term to come.

If the President continues his campaign, it would be a mistake. He should step aside now so that we can find a new candidate that will put us in the strongest possible position to beat Donald Trump in November.

Biden called into MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on Monday morning, and also insisted in a letter to House Democrats that he will stay in the race.