
Hamas-Supporting Anti-Semites Are Somehow Getting Even More Brazen and Vile

Having laid relatively low in recent weeks, America's pro-terrorism contingent is back with a vengeance -- seemingly energized in opposition to Israel's successful hostage rescue mission over the weekend.  Perhaps that timing is a coincidence, but I doubt it.  The Hamas mob's political allies and apologists often insist that it's unfair to frame their words, chants and actions as pro-Jew-murder, or even as expressions of anti-Semitism.  Well, let's check in on what just happened in New York City, where Hamas supporters protested an exhibit dedicated to the victims of the Nova music festival, where terrorists from Gaza slaughtered hundreds of innocent people.  Yes, they descended upon the location of an exhibit honoring victims of a mass murder to intimidate those who visited and to celebrate the mass murder.  For reference, I visited the site of that portion of the October 7 massacre, and interviewed a survivor, a few months ago:

Hamas supporters in New York are proud of the slaughter inflicted by their heroes.  Like Hamas, they want more of it:

"Long live October 7th."  Subtle.  They're always very subtle, like when they substitute "Zionist" for "Jew" and say things like this, whose meaning may never truly be known:

Big Hitler fans, these Hamas supporters. No wonder they despise the fact that Jews now have a country that defends its people and fights back. These guys didn't even bother covering their faces. The rights of reporters covering these despicable agitations, and people who disagreed with the mob, were not protected:

On the opposite coast, pro-terrorism 'progressives' and Islamists have been spending time threatening and harassing an official at UCLA, where pro-Hamas checkpoints were set up to block the free movement of Jewish students on campus in recent weeks.  Lovely people, aren't they?

"You are not safe" is a threat.  And here's a California professor mocking one of the Hamas hostages who was just saved by the IDF, likely to the professor's dismay.  Imagine being a Jewish student in one of her classes:

Medical examinations of the former hostages have revealed egregious mistreatment.  Similar dirtbags who held a crime-filled hate rally outside the White House over the weekend would like New York Times readers to know that none of this is about hating Jews.  Of course not:

“Saturday’s permitted demonstration resulted in an assault of a park ranger, injuries to two U.S. Park Police officers and significant damage to the park resources,” said Cynthia Hernandez, a spokeswoman for the agency. Two of the dozens of messages on the statue on Monday read “Israel is a terrorist state” and “shame on you.” Many of the protesters on Saturday chanted slogans that some groups have said incite violence against Jews, such as “There is only one solution: intifada, revolution,” as well as “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” But according to one protester, such slogans were not a call for violence against Jewish people, but for a broader resistance against the status quo. “We don’t have anything against Jews,” said Adam Kattom, a founding member of Peoria for Palestine, who had traveled 12 hours from Peoria, Ill., to join the demonstration.

Ah yes, the guy who traveled 12 hours to scream eliminationist Hamas slogans against the world's only and tiny Jewish state is really all about a "broader resistance to the status quo." Perhaps he missed the explictly pro-jihad slogans all around him, and the various crimes committed, resulting in no arrests.  In America, some crimes get you nothing.  Other crimes get you locked up, like an old lady protesting at an abortion clinic, or teenagers making skidmarks on pride murals:

And on the subject of double standards, it appears that in Canada -- which doesn't have a first amendment, and too often punishes free speech that offends the government -- certain masked bigots are free to harass and intimidate Jews in their own neighborhoods:

Don't hold your breath waiting for the less overtly Hamas-enthusiastic within the "pro-Palestine" movement to condemn or distance themselves from any of this. Silence in the face of evil is their hallmark.  They are complicit.  I'll leave you, to the deep chagrin of Hamas fans, with footage of the incredible hostage rescue mission undertaken by Israeli commandos.  Terror supporters are very, very upset that this happened -- not that the hostages were taken in the first place: