
NYC Parents Expressed Concerns About 'Transgender' Athletes. Here's How Democrats Responded.

In March, Townhall reported how a school board in New York City approved a resolution that could lead to a ban on so-called “transgender” athletes in girls’ sports. The measure demanded that the city’s Department of Education allow a public review of its policy allowing males who think they’re girls to play women’s sports, a growing issue all over the world. 

Democratic officials responded by calling the parents involved “hateful, discriminatory and actively harmful” to the city’s children,” according to The New York Times.

The remarks were issued in a letter made public on Monday, where 18 elected officials in the Big Apple signed on. 

“The message to trans students that they are not welcome has reverberations, and the consequences can be dire,” the group’s letter said, adding that elected parent leaders “must be fighting for every student” and “not attack, ridicule, or marginalize the vulnerable.”

Reportedly, the elected Democrats who signed the letter include Rep. Jerry Nadler, Assemblyman Tony Simone, State Senators Liz Krueger and Brad Hoylman-Sigal, as well as five City Council members. 

In the letter, the officials claimed that the decision to protect female athletes from male athletes was “was based in anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric.”

Reportedly, Manhattan borough president, Mark Levine, a Democrat, announced earlier this month that one parent who voted in favor of the review would be kicked out of his position on a local community board. 

Polling has shown that the majority of Americans believe that so-called transgender athletes should be competing on teams that align with their biological sex instead of their “gender identity,” (via NYT):

There is limited polling on how New Yorkers view the issue. One Siena College poll last month found that about two-thirds of registered voters statewide — including 83 percent of Republicans and 77 percent of independents — support requiring high school athletes to “only compete with others of the same sex that they were assigned at birth.”

The poll also found that about 52 percent of Democrats supported the policy, in line with national surveys.

Earlier this month, a judge struck down an executive order in Nassau County, New York that prohibited so-called “transgender” athletes from competing in women’s sports, which Townhall covered.

When County Executive Bruce Blakeman signed the order in February, he told the New York Post, “We are protecting girls’ right to compete against other girls. It makes no sense for biological boys who identify as transgender to compete against girls. It’s completely unfair.”