
Watch: The Abominable UN 'Human Rights' Council Holds a Moment of Silence For...

The United Nations is a corrupt den of despots -- featuring a particular, bigotry-driven zeal for castigating Israel, the only Jewish country in the world. It's an irrational obsession, which is common among anti-Semites. In the immediate aftermath of Saturday's historic slaughter of Jews by bloodthirsty Islamist terrorists, I half joked that the UN General Assembly would promptly pass a resolution criticizing the victims.  It's what the UN seemingly does most, after all.  The dark humor came eerily close to reality.  Only some Security Council member nations could bring themselves to condemn Hamas, which had just murdered hundreds of civilians in cold blood.  

The body's "human rights" panel then took the absurdity to a predictable new low:

A moment of silence for the loss of life "in the occupied Palestinian territory and elsewhere." The non-specified elsewhere being Israel, I take it?  Where women, children and grandparents were just massacred by terrorists?  Or can the name of that country only be invoked in the context of some form of sanction or opprobrium?  And if you actually watched the video, you saw that this pathetic phony tribute condemned Israel repeatedly, including honoring "the victims of decades of foreign occupation."  This statement was, overwhelmingly, an attack against Israel, as a response to another sort of attack against Israel.  These people are vile.  Their organization is a sick joke.  Its members boast some of the worst human rights abusers on the planet.  It is an illegitimate farce, and should be treated as such.  The Trump administration rightly pulled out of the council, as to deny it any whiff of US-afforded legitimacy.  The Biden administration, forever in the grips of a "multilateralism" fixation, re-entered the council.  Their big achievement after doing so was rallying the votes to symbolically boot Russia out of the current membership (not of the Security Council, of course).  This accomplished nothing, in terms of real world outcomes, of course.  And now the remaining members are observing moments for silence for general deaths in [victimized country redacted].  

There is no point to propping up this insulting, humiliating spectacle.  Biden should pull us out of it, again.  He should, but he won't, because that would be tantamount to admitting that Trump was right about something.  The pathological refusal to do so has resulted in some of the most disastrous policy bungles in recent memory, from the border crisis to Palestinian aid decisions that tragically and avoidably helped set the stage for Saturday's mass murder.  Speaking of the border crisis, it is not alarmism to point out unpleasant realities like this:

Consider the list of confirmed national security and public safety threats that have been captured by US authorities at the border, over the last year alone then consider the arrival of roughly 1.8 million known got-aways (and some unknowable number of unknown got-aways), many of whom paid the cartels extra to avoid capture. The people charged with keeping us safe are clueless as to the identities of nearly two million of the people who've entered our country illegally over the last two-plus years.  They're coming from all over -- and again, this is what we know of:

In case you missed it, I'll leave you with this additional juxtaposition, courtesy of the cartoon characters at the United Nations.  Within hours of Israeli women were being murdered, raped, and taken hostage, the UN's women's organization (member states include Afghanistan, Pakistan, Russia, and, yes, China, for crying out loud) was tweeting about the crucial issue of...trans lesbians being lesbians, too.  Beyond parody: