
Left-Wing State Instructs Schools to Conceal Student Gender Transitions From Parents

New guidance issued by the New York State Education Department asserts that school officials should keep a student’s gender transition concealed from their parents if the student does not give the school consent to inform them.

The 42-page guidance gives schools the “correct” terminology to use towards “transgender and gender expansive (TGE)” students whose gender identity does not align with their biological sex and encourages the teachers to have everyone share their name and pronouns at the beginning of each school year and “regularly throughout the year.” In addition, teachers should update the items in the classroom with the student’s “affirmed” name if it changes. 

“In some cases, schools will need to provide extra assistance for TGE students to support them and keep them safe. Schools will want to work closely with the student and their parents/guardians, if given permission by the student to involve them in the planning, in devising an appropriate plan regarding the confidentiality of the student’s TGE status,” the guidance explained. “Each student has an individualized life situation that requires different school plans and responses, based on the needs, and wants of the student. It is paramount that schools are cautious about understanding each student’s sense of safety and ability to be ‘out’ at home and school.”

In addition, the guidance includes a chart instructing teachers to use “gender neutral” language, such as “humans,” “folks,” “scholars,” instead of “guys” or “ladies and gentlemen. Instead of “Father-Daughter Dances,” it recommends the term “Family Dances” and calling “Prom King and Prom Queen” the “Royal Court.” 

"It's impossible to deny that the NY Department of Education is more focused on left wing political and ideological causes than on educating students in academic subjects,” Erika Sanzi, director of outreach for Parents Defending Education told Townhall. “They cite radical activists as sources and are relentless in their push to deceive parents about what's going on with their own children. This guidance is indefensible."

Townhall has reported time and time again how school districts across the country have been caught trying to keep parents out of the loop when it comes to their child’s gender identity. As Townhall has covered, school districts in Colorado, Virginia, Kansas, and California were exposed for concealing this information from parents. As a result, Republican Sen. Tim Scott (SC) introduced legislation that would prevent schools from hiding information about a student’s gender identity from their parents. And, recently, a school district in Ohio was exposed for instructing teachers to report child abuse to protective services if a “transgender” student’s parents are not supportive of their gender identity.