
After Announcing Senate Run, Schiff Immediately Blasted by Progressive Group

Rep. Adam Schiff’s announcement that he is running for Senate was criticized by at least one progressive group on Thursday.

“Adam Schiff plays the role of Trump antagonist on TV, but a recent book details how he stalled and undermined leaders trying to hold Trump accountable in Congress,” said Progressive Change Campaign Committee co-founder Adam Green in a statement, according to Fox News. “And he never challenges corporations or the Democratic establishment.”

As Townhall reported Thursday, Schiff’s announcement comes after he was kicked off the House Intelligence Committee. He later took to Chinese-owned app TikTok, a national security threat, to raise money from it.  

"When we should have gone big against Trump, Schiff said go small,” Green’s statement continued. “When we should have gone fast, Schiff said go slow. And when bold leaders finally won consensus to pursue impeachment over Schiff's objections, Schiff leapt on stage to take credit.”

Though Schiff told Politico he views himself as a progressive, he is not a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus.

The California Democrat will be running against PCCC-endorsed Rep. Katie Porter, who announced her bid for the seat earlier this month.  

Feinstein, 89, has not said whether she will run for reelection, but Schiff said he received her blessing to jump in the race.