
Border Patrol Union President Calls for Mayorkas to be Impeached

Border Patrol Union President Brandon Judd is calling for the impeachment of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas after emails revealed the DHS boss knowingly smeared agents working on horseback

"I can't tell you how upset I am right now," Judd told Fox News host Will Cain. "He lied to the American people and lying to the American people, that makes him, in my opinion that makes him ineligible to be the Secretary of Homeland Security. He perjured himself, that is high crimes and misdemeanors. That is an offense that could be impeachable and I think that if the Republicans take back the House in November, I think they should impeach him." 

Mayorkas falsely accused Border Patrol agents of "whipping" illegal Haitan immigrants after leftist activists and their friends in media fomented a viral false narrative in September 2021. Mounted on horseback, Border Patrol agents repeatedly told illegal Haitians not to cross the Rio Grande into the United States. They used their reigns to control their horses. The media claimed they were being used as whips. 

President Joe Biden piled on, promising consequences for the agents before an investigation into what happened was underway. 

After the incident, the horse unit was promptly pulled out of Eagle Pass, giving the upper hand to Mexican cartels and smuggling operations.