
‘All-Trimester’ Abortion Clinic Prepares to Open in Maryland

Pro-abortion advocates are preparing to open a clinic in College Park, Maryland that would provide abortions up to 34 weeks gestation.

According to NPR, the clinic, Partners in Abortion Care, plans to open “sometime after Labor Day.” It will be one of a few clinics that offers abortions into the third trimester. Full-term pregnancies last 40 weeks. 

Dr. Diane Harvath, an OB-GYN who is the co-owner of the clinic, told NPR that all-trimester abortions are “a really politicized topic” and that “it shouldn’t be.”

“Every time we draw a line and we say 'no more abortions after this point,' someone's going to fall on the other side of that line, and they're going to be harmed,” she claimed.

Much of the equipment for the upcoming clinic was bought secondhand from an abortion clinic in Georgia that shuttered after Roe v. Wade was overturned. The clinic had been performing abortions for 40 years.

Townhall reported July 21 how a law banning abortions after six weeks gestation took effect in Georgia immediately after a court ruling. Women who were at clinics waiting for an abortion were sent home

In April, Townhall reported how pro-abortion Maryland lawmakers overrode a veto from Republican Gov. Larry Hogan to allow trained medical professionals other than physicians to perform abortions. The new law allows nurse practitioners, nurse midwives and physician assistants to undergo abortion training. The state’s training program required $3.5 million in state funding annually.

Hogan’s veto letter pointed out that the pro-abortion legislation “endangers the health and lives of women by allowing non-physicians to perform abortions.”

“These procedures are complex and can, and often do, result in significant medical complications that require the attention of a licensed physician. Licensed physicians have a level of education and training not received by other types of healthcare professionals. Unlike nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, physician assistants, and licensed certified midwives, physicians are uniquely qualified to perform these procedures and resolve any medical complications should they arise,” Hogan added in the letter.

“The only impact that this bill would have on women’s reproductive rights would be to set back standards for women’s health care and safety,” he concluded.

Republican lawmakers in Maryland’s General Assembly described the legislation as “extreme” and “radical.” Democrats, on the other hand, praised it, with the bill’s lead sponsor Del. Ariana Kelly Democrat claiming that “physician-only restrictions exacerbate health inequalities.”

Earlier this year, it was revealed that the remains of abortion babies in the third trimester of pregnancy were found in the home of a Washington D.C.-based pro-life activist. The aborted babies were from a D.C. abortion clinic that was once investigated by Live Action for not providing life-saving care for babies born after botched abortions.

In a press release from Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising, it explained that the aborted babies’ “late gestational ages and their apparent sustained injuries suggested possible violations of the federal Partial Birth Abortion Act and the Born Alive Infants Protection Act.” The aborted babies were given to police on suspicion of these violations.

Shortly after the aborted children’s remains were given to police, Sen. James Lankford of Oklahoma, a Republican, led lawmakers in a two-page letter to Bowser and D.C. Police Chief Robert Contee demanding the unborn children “have their deaths investigated to ensure that no D.C. of federal laws were broken.” The letter gave alarming descriptions of the condition of the five unborn babies that were recovered from the apartment.

In Bowser’s response, obtained by The Daily Wire, she offered four sentences.

Dear Ranking Member Lankford:

In response to your letter of April 5, 2022, regarding the indictment of Lauren Handy of the Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising for extremist anti-abortion activity in the District of Columbia in 2020, and relatedly, her claim of responsibility for tampering with fetal remains as reported last week, we refer your questions to the United States Department of Justice.

The Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) is in consultation with the United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia on both matters. The above referenced indictment of Ms. Handy’s claim of responsibility for March 30, 2022, and MPD’s discoveries are, potentially, serious violations of federal law. The investigation is ongoing.