
Dem Senator Campaigns on Radical Pro-Abortion Agenda Ahead of Primary

New Hampshire Sen. Maggie Hassan (D) is campaigning on a radical pro-abortion platform ahead of the 2022 midterm elections.

According to pro-life organization Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, Hassan does not believe in limits on abortion. She is a co-sponsor on the Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA), legislation spearheaded by Democrats that aims to codify Roe v. Wade protections into federal law.

In addition, Hassan voted against the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, a piece of legislation that protects unborn babies capable of feeling pain from abortion.

On the organization’s National Pro-Life Scorecard, Hassan is rated F. SBA pointed out that Hassan has voted against legislation to protect tax dollars from funding abortions.

“Senator Hassan has consistently voted to eliminate or prevent protections for children born alive after failed abortions and the unborn, including voting to use hard-earned tax dollars to pay for elective abortion,” SBA’s website states. “Senator Hassan has confirmed Biden administration appointees and judges who prioritize activist, progressive agendas over the Constitution and the dignity of human life at all stages.”

“Senator Hassan has voted against efforts to protect the lives of babies born alive after failed abortions, and against efforts to protect taxpayers who don’t want their hard-earned tax dollars paying for elective abortion,” it adds.

In addition, SBA pointed out that pro-abortion organization EMILY’s List is campaigning for Hassan in New Hampshire. On the organization’s website, they describe Hassan as a “dedicated public servant” on the issue of abortion.

A pinned tweet on Hassan’s Twitter account shows her saying in a campaign video that women’s access to abortion is a “fundamental right.” 

“I will fight and never back down,” she said in the video. “Protecting our personal freedoms isn’t just what’s right for New Hampshire, it’s what makes us New Hampshire.”

In a statement, SBA President Marjorie Dannenfelser said that Hassan is an “ardent supporter” of abortion up until birth and called WHPA the “Abortion on Demand” act. 

“Democrats in Washington admit their Abortion on Demand Until Birth Act is the most pro-abortion bill ever,” Dannenfelser added, noting that Hassan’s constituents reject abortion on demand late in pregnancy. 

“Her extremism is a political liability and we are committed to exposing it,” she added.

New Hampshire’s Primary Election will be held on Sept. 13. Hassan’s pro-abortion extremism on display comes after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and a slew of states passed pro-life laws. 

In the Dobbs majority opinion, the Supreme Court justices wrote that the U.S. Constitution does not protect the right to abortion and determined that Roe and Casey were wrongly decided.

“The Constitution does not confer a right to abortion; Roe and Casey are overruled; and the authority to regulate abortion is returned to the people and their elected representatives,” the opinion stated.