
Rep. Carolyn Maloney to Be Potentially Replaced by Even Worse Democratic Member on Oversight Committee

Less than a day after Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) lost to Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) in an ugly primary battle that pitted incumbents after each other in the newly redrawn 12th Congressional District, her Democratic colleagues are already planning out who will replace her. Maloney currently chairs the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. 

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) could reportedly in the running, per his conversation with Punchbowl's Heather Caygle, during which he mentioned he's "strongly considering" a run for the top spot. 

The congressman is particularly known for going after former President Donald Trump, and not merely in his role on the January 6 and as the lead impeachment manager in Trump's second impeachment, the hearing which was conducted after the former president had already left office. 

Raskin was first elected in 2016, the same year as Trump was elected president. As one of Raskin's first moves upon taking office, which he even bragged about on his member website, he attempted to object to the Electoral College vote that certified the presidential election results in favor for Trump. 

Caygle also tweeted that Reps. Gerry Connolly (D-VA) and Stephen Lynch (D-MA). 

Should Republicans take back control of the House, as they are largely predicted to do, the top spot would be that of ranking member.