
Stacey Abrams Calls Georgia the ‘Worst State’ to Live Ahead of Primary

Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams (D) said on Saturday that Georgia is the “worst state” to live in. Her comment comes days before the state’s primary election on Tuesday.

Abrams gave a speech at the Gwinnet Democrats’ Bluetopia Gala over the weekend, according to an audio recording posted by the Gwinnett Daily Post.

“I am tired of hearing about how we’re the best state in the country to do business when we are the worst state in the country to live,” Abrams said. 

“Let me contextualize,” she continued. “When you’re No. 48 for mental health, we you're No. 1 for maternal mortality, when you have an incarceration rate that’s on the rise and wages that are on the decline, then you are not the No. 1 place to live.”

She added that the state is “capable of greatness” but that “we need greatness to be in our Governor's office.”

"We need someone who actually believes in bringing all of us in there together."

Abrams defended her comments on Twitter, where she cited mental health, maternal mortality, HIV cases and gun violence as reasons why Georgia is not a good place to live. She blamed it on current governor, GOP Gov. Brain Kemp.

Kemp fired back at Abrams, calling Georgia the “best state to live, work, and raise a family.”

Abrams is the presumptive Democratic nominee for Georgia Governor. Kemp is running for reelection. Former U.S. Senator David Perdue, a Republican, is looking to unseat him, as Townhall reported