
Wait...BLM PAC Money Was Siphoned Off to a Company Owned by...a BLM Board Member?

Can we get an investigation going into this movement? Amazon took them off their donation platform. They have accounts holding at least $60 million just sitting there. No one knows who’s minding the store at Black Lives Matter. No one wants to say they’re the point person overseeing the books. Its co-founders have made very questionable purchases, especially when it comes to real estate. It caused friction between activists and the upper crust regarding the use of funds. One local leader is going to jail for voter fraud. Another was charged with using funds for personal expenses. 

It’s a mess. And now their political action committee is accused of siphoning off cash to a company owned by a member of BLM’s board (via Washington Examiner):

Black Lives Matter PAC siphoned away almost all of its cash reserves during the first three months of 2022, with the largest chunk of funds going to a firm owned by a BLM board member.

BLM PAC ended March with just $19,750 in the bank after raising $80,000 and spending $116,000 during the first quarter, according to a filing submitted to the Federal Election Commission on Friday. The group has burned through nearly 94% of its available cash reserves since the start of 2021, when it controlled a $305,000 war chest.

Bowers Consulting Firm, a company run by BLM board member Shalomyah Bowers, was the highest-paid BLM PAC vendor during the first quarter of 2022, having received $45,000 from the PAC for "strategic consulting services."

Elias Law Group, the law firm run by Democratic lawyer Marc Elias, received $8,000 for legal services rendered to BLM PAC during the period, and the Perkins Coie law firm received $8,350 for compliance services.

"BLM PAC's donors would be surprised to know their contributions are being paid to BLM insiders and consultants rather than electing their favorite candidates for the mid-term elections," said Paul Kamenar, counsel to watchdog group the National Legal and Policy Center.


The national BLM group voluntarily shut down its ability to raise charitable funds on Feb. 2 following a Washington Examiner investigation into its lack of financial transparency, which prompted multiple states to issue demands to the group to cease its fundraising activities.

The revelation that BLM PAC is also in dire financial straits comes after the group hit the scene with a splash in October 2020 and raised $1.05 million by the end of the year.

It’s a web of corruption, and who could have guessed that this would be the result. It happens on the Right too. There were scores of Tea Party groups that just took people’s money. The liberal media and Big Tech especially did a solid job trying to bury BLM’s $6 million mansion purchase in Southern California. Now, PAC money being allegedly siphoned off. What will drop next?