
How Trump Jr's Texts Expose the Left's Laughable Hunter Biden Excuses

The Left’s hypocrisy and inconsistency have been on full display over the past week. It’s been a banner week for the liberal media and their allies. We have the University of Chicago’s Institute of Politics hosting a Disinformation and Erosion of Democracy conference where the biggest names in fake news revealed how they erode the very government they claim to love. The Atlantic’s Anne Applebaum said the quiet part out loud regarding why she and her colleagues buried the Hunter Biden story. The look on former Obama adviser David Axelrod says it all. 

Then, CNN’s Brian Stelter gets roasted by a college freshman who lists all the network’s most abysmal fake news stories which only let the Reliable Sources host to say a) it’s a right-wing narrative that CNN is bad, b) I got yelled at by a Biden official, and c) hey, we all took a timeout to help Fox News’ Benjamin Hall when he was injured in Ukraine. Oh, and the tale of a liberal network beset by serial foul-ups is not the network he knows and works for or something. I wouldn’t expect anything less if CNN just admitted as we do at Townhall that we’re biased as hell, but they try to act like heirs to Walter Cronkite when they’re very much the opposite. 

The Hunter Biden story is not going away. He’s under a federal investigation for tax evasion and other crimes. That’s not a big deal? To the Left, no, but Donald Trump Jr’s texts are because… of January 6. That’s not an argument. The talking point that the Left has constructed for the Hunter story now that the ‘it’s Russian disinformation’ line no longer works is that he’s not a government official. Well, neither is Donald Trump Jr. so what is it, guys? First, let’s discuss the new texts from Don Jr. about the little riot on January 6—the one event that no one really cares about anymore. Oh, and look, it was a CNN Exclusive so you know it’s true (via NYT):

Former President Donald J. Trump’s eldest son sent the White House chief of staff a text message two days after Election Day in 2020 that laid out strategies for declaring his father the winner regardless of the electoral outcome, people familiar with the exchange said on Friday.

The text, which was reported earlier by CNN, was sent two days before Joseph R. Biden Jr. was declared the winner of the election. The recipient, Mark Meadows, turned a cache of his text messages over to the House committee investigating the events leading up to the deadly riot at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, as the Electoral College results in Mr. Biden’s favor were being certified.

“It’s very simple,” Donald Trump Jr. wrote to Mr. Meadows on Nov. 5, 2020. He wrote at another point, “We have multiple paths We control them all.”

The message went on to lay out a variety of options that Mr. Trump or his allies ultimately employed in trying to overturn the results of the election, from legal challenges to promoting alternative slates of electors to focusing efforts on the statutory date of Jan. 6 for certification of the Electoral College results.

In a statement, the younger Mr. Trump’s lawyer, Alan Futerfas, confirmed that the text message was sent but suggested it was someone else’s idea that Donald Trump Jr. was passing along.

“After the election, Don received numerous messages from supporters and others,” Mr. Futerfas said. “Given the date, this message likely originated from someone else and was forwarded.”

Still, the text message underscores the extraordinary lengths that Mr. Trump’s allies and official aides were already exploring right after Election Day to keep Mr. Trump in power if the voters throughout the country failed to do so.

We’re back to this again. I’m rolling on the floor laughing because there is no crime here. None. Where is it? It’s no different than Ginni Thomas’ texts that were of a similar nature that had liberal America calling for the impeachment of her husband, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. That story died quickly because this is just a liberal tantrum. 

‘Please pay attention to us and what we’re writing about the riot that no one cares about’ cries the liberal news media. Sorry, we have all moved on—those of us who live in Normal-ville. We have jobs, lives, and responsibilities that must be taken care of; we don’t have the luxury of bitching about January 6 during mid-day SoulCycle sessions. If Donald Trump Jr’s texts are worthy of a scandal—then so is Hunter Biden using daddy’s name in an effort to get his friends on the federal payroll (via NY Post):

Hunter Biden used his family’s high-profile connections to promote friends and associates to federal office while his father was vice president, emails obtained from his hard drive show.

During the spring of 2010, Hunter Biden exchanged a series of emails with John M. Mott, an associate judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia who was angling for appointment to the federal bench.

“I appreciate your help,” Mott told Hunter Biden in a March 9, 2010 email after the two spoke by phone. Mott asked Hunter to press his case to then Vice President Biden’s chief of staff Ron Klain.

“I know that it is a lot to ask for Ron to put in a good word for me when he doesn’t know me and hears about me from you out of the blue, but I’m hoping that he appreciates my background and support and decides to help,” Mott wrote.

“I have made my feelings clear and if there is anything I learn I will pass it on,” Hunter wrote back on May 20, 2010, noting that Klain had “not been very forthcoming.”

Look, I’m willing to negotiate here. I’m willing to treat both stories as equals if the Left and their allies in the media a) admit that they were wrong about the Hunter Biden laptop story, b) confess why they really buried it, and c) dedicate whole teams to combing through every email and connection within the Biden crime syndicate. 

I doubt that will happen. Until then, what Hunter did constitute a possible felony, hence the tax evasion probe. Don. Jr. sent some texts. The latter is not a crime. Tens of millions of Americans still have doubts about the 2020 election, so it also wasn’t a fringe discussion either. 

A son wanted his dad to win an election—someone call a special prosecutor