
Teen Girl Arrested in Shooting of 13-Year-Old Boy in Washington, D.C.

A 14-year-old girl was arrested in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday for allegedly shooting and wounding a 13-year-old boy waiting to take the bus home from school, local outlet NBC4 Washington reported.

The victim’s mother, who did not want her or her son’s name published, told NBC4 from her son’s hospital room that the situation was “stressful” and her son was undergoing surgery for his gunshot wounds.

"It's crazy. I just wouldn't expect that, sending your child to school and you get that phone call that he's been shot," she told NBC4. "He's not into the streets; he's just a good boy. So it really shook the whole family to know that something like that happened to him."

D.C. police told NBC4 that the 14-year-old suspect, who was not named, was charged with assault with a deadly weapon. The incident occured in the southeast area of the city. The victim was targeted, they added.The victim was reportedly shot twice and suffered non life-threatening injuries.

“Nothing like this has ever happened in our family,” the victim’s mother added in her interview with NBC4. “He’s just recovering from surgery, and we’re taking it one day at a time.”

Last month, local radio station WTOP reported that five D.C. teens were accused of carjacking a food delivery driver in the city. 

“Police said five teenage boys went up to the delivery driver on M Street near New York Avenue at about 3 p.m., pulled a gun on him and demanded his car,” WTOP noted. Police quickly caught up with the teens in the stolen car and arrested all five. ”The gun that police recovered from the boys was a BB gun,” WTOP added.

Last summer, Fox 5 Washington, D.C. reported that two teenage girls responsible for a carjacking that killed an Uber Eats driver were both committed to juvenile detention until age 21, the maximum sentence they could receive. The girls were ages 15 and 13 when the incident occurred.

“Police say during the carjacking attempt, the suspects sped away and crashed, leaving [66-year-old Mohammad Anwar] for dead near the wreckage. Graphic video of the incident was released and showed the incident as it unfolded,” FOX5 reported. It occured near Nationals Park around 4:30 p.m. on March 23, 2021.

As Spencer covered in December, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, a Democrat, is more focused on mandating proof of vaccination for indoor businesses in our nation’s capital than addressing the city’s crime, especially among teenagers, as Julio reported.

“Washington, D.C. has seen an uptick in violent crime including homicides, carjackings, and assaults. Perhaps Bowser should spend more time addressing crime and less time flipping the switch on mandates and restrictions.”