
Biden Coughs His Way Through Speech About New Wuhan Coronavirus Tactics

President Joe Biden repeatedly coughed and sneezed while delivering remarks from the White House Tuesday afternoon about his administration's plan to combat the latest variant of Wuhan coronavirus. 

Yesterday, the White House released a statement detailing how Biden was exposed to a staffer on Air Force One who later tested positive for the virus. The staffer was fully vaccinated and boosted. 

"On Monday morning, a mid-level staff member, who does not regularly have contact with the President, received a positive result for a COVID-19 test.  Three days earlier, on Friday, that staff member had spent approximately 30 minutes in proximity to the President on Air Force One, on the way from Orange, South Carolina to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania," White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki released in a statement Monday night, adding multiple tests for the virus were negative. 

"This staff member is fully vaccinated and boosted, and tested negative prior to boarding Air Force One, as is required for everyone traveling with the President. This staff member did not begin to experience symptoms until Sunday, and was tested on Monday. Others on Air Force One who were in close contact with this staff member are being contacted and will be advised to get tested per CDC guidance," she continued. 

While briefing reporters Tuesday, Psaki said Biden was not showing symptoms of the disease and will receive another test Wednesday.