
Biden Was Met with a Very Large 'Let's Go Brandon' Crowd En Route to Michigan Speech

President Biden got a taste of just how unpopular his Build Back Better agenda is when he arrived in Howell, Michigan, on Tuesday to deliver a speech promoting the infrastructure bill that’s at a standstill in Congress.

Though Biden spoke to a “favorable” but seemingly low energy crowd (see below) at the International Union of Operating Engineers Construction Career Center, he encountered hundreds of angry 'Lets go Brandon' protesters on his way there.

“F*** Joe Biden” chants and signs were heard and seen everywhere. Demonstrators told local media that they’re angry over a host of issues—from the cost of the bill to other issues including immigration and vaccine mandates. 

Some of the protesters expressed frustration with spending in Washington.

FOX 2: "What about some of the parts of the bill, like free community college, the expansion of Medicare, those are good, aren't they?"

"To some degree," said Londa Gatt. "But the money has to come from somewhere - you can't keep printing it." (FOX 2)

Meghan Reckling, chair of the Livingston County Republicans in Michigan, explained the demonstration to FOX 2.

"I think this is reflective of how upset people in everyday America are, when you leave the Washington bubble, about the spending going on in Washington, D.C.," she said.