
Haitian Illegal Immigrants Explain Why They're Coming to America

The excuses, such as they exist at all, are running out. With foreign governments warning the US about tens of thousands of additional illegal immigrants en route to our border, the Biden administration has offered a flurry of incoherent and unpersuasive talking points. They say the border is closed and secure, and that they have stopped the recent influx of Haitian unlawful migrants from entering the country – while also affirming that tens of thousands of them have been released into the country's interior. Our hands are tied by the law, and these are asylum seekers, after all, administration officials bleat, ignoring the reality that the president foolishly reversed succeeding Trump-era mitigation policies, and that most of the Haitians in question had already been afforded refugee status by other nations. 

Heterodox writer Andrew Sullivan (a fierce critic of both President Trump and the woke Left) warns Democrats that their radical permissiveness and refusal to meaningfully enforce laws is creating an opening for immigration restrictionists to win and "bring back Trump": 

They ignored evidence in pursuit of a political agenda and backward virtue signaling. Doesn't that sound familiar these days? As Team Biden humiliates itself with contradictions and lame, debunked talking points about "seasonality" and "root causes," the illegal immigrants themselves continue to say the obvious truth out loud. They say they're coming here because they want to live here, and they believe, not unreasonably, that Biden will likely let them stay: 

This is an echo of previous coverage of Biden's border crisis, in which illegal immigrants told American journalists that they made the dangerous trek because Biden would allow them into the country, unlike Trump. The Democrats and their army of columnists and talking heads can point fingers in every direction imaginable, but when the illegal immigrants are flat-out confirming the glaringly clear reality in their own words, the counter-spin sounds laughably feeble and desperate. Hispanic voters in Texas, to whom Democrats endlessly pander, see what's happening and aren't on board. Are progressive activists aware that uncontrolled illegal immigration and invented, "inclusive" demographic buzzwords like "LatinX" aren't popular? 

One wonders how many American Hispanics might react if Republicans bother to inform them that every single House Democrat (save one, who represents a border district in Texas) recently voted to enshrine nine-month abortion-on-demand as the law of the land. Back to immigration. Here's Jonathan Swan of Axios explaining that the border crisis is intensifying due to "inducement" in the form of Biden policies, of which human traffickers are taking full advantage: 

Swan's point that regional cooperation will be necessary to stem the tide is correct, but it's worth emphasizing that the previous administration did secure that sort of cooperation – from Mexico, and from Northern Triangle governments. Biden came in and idiotically blew it all up for short-sighted political reasons. But those political pressures are real. The progressive Left insists this White House has been too tough on illegal immigration, which is how we get surreal, outrageous decisions like this. The pressure from the left-wing of the party is unrelenting, and the Biden team is held captive by it. Just amazing

I'll leave you with this – on and on it goes: